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Everything posted by Missdemeanor

  1. Spent some time chasing Walleyes.... Ran some deep diving sticks, and some short cores with shallow smithwicks.... Get out to 40 -45 fow and a 3 color core goes and pulls the offshore board under. Few head shakes and the fish starts swimming at the boat . I figured it was a big walleye or a big Sheeper... Fish comes up behind the boat and our jaws drop... A fantastic net job by my buddy and high fives... Fish released to live and destroy another anglers gear...
  2. There is definitely a missing year class of Browns. I remember getting a call that a bunch of trout were washed up on the shore in Greece. Sam Zucco and I responded and there were dozens of BT stockers dead on the beach in Greece off edgemere. It was in the last 3 years... I just can't remember what year ( I think it was the start of the COVID thing) . In the following years, the BT fishing took a decline... Hopefully the browns are on the rebound. I had a fantastic winter and Spring Fishery this year. Most were the 3-5 lb cookies which is a welcome sight....
  3. Got in the LOC for some customers who wanted to compete in the Derby. The night before Day 1 of their trip I spoke with the guy and he told me they wanted to get on the Derby leaderboard. No browns yet, so I decided to set up for the brown spotted devils the next day. I've never fished BTs on the west end, but how different could it be from home? Left port and took some water temps... 50degrees was ok... But I found a temperature break to 48 and some nice stained water . Deployed 6 board Flatlines pulling stingers and two flatlines with 2oz rubber core sinkers along the prop wash pulling Super slims in various gobie patterns . Day 1 we did catch a few BTs, but nothing for the board. I was confident with the game plan, so we went back for Day 2. Day two, same set up.... Difference is the water was a little warmer (51) . After we get set up, a rubber core prop wash set up gets hit .. I knew it was a decent fish by the way it fought. The angler played it perfectly to the net... 13.4 on the scales at the Boat Doctors. Blonde chicken wing, chicken wing, gold perch and mongoose In Michigan stinger were good. The Prirate Silver with black scales took shots, and the Green Gobie Super slim took the big fella... It's great when a plan actually kinda comes together .. hopefully the missing year class of BTs doesn't have much of a bearing in the future...
  4. It's illegal..... Unless the Captain or mate reels in those fish....
  5. Shame..... It's a great launch... Lots of Parking... On another note, I've been at my boat ( at a slip on the Genny) every night last week.. lots of big logs rolling out to the lake... Water is getting higher as well... Be careful out there. I always have an extra set of eyes or two on watch when I'm running...
  6. 226 work days for the Land Gig and I'm done...
  7. Started in 12.... 14-16 was ok...got out as far as 20 feet (ish) and had our last king bite out there
  8. Left port with the idea I'd work the inside stuff. If that didn't work, I was planning on going north and put out deep diving sticks for Kings. Blew past a fleet of boats and set up in vacant water. Smithwicks in natural patterns and bay rats in naturals. Divers had gold perch and blonde chicken wing stingers. Riggers had green glow frog and Sodus pt buckeye stingers. The natural colors were key today .. first fish was a really nice king that did what spring kings do.... Little later we had another big guy on a diver /gold perch and he cracked us off! Weeded through some cookie cutter browns and a coho .. had a 3rd king hit a black and silver Smithwick off a board 120 feet back. Fish ran out past 780 on the line counter, got him back to 20 ft from the boat and the hook pulled. All good, he was getting released anyway. I will say, things got a little interesting when that fog rolled in... Be safe out there and tight lines
  9. The weather couldn't have been better... Fishing? A grind ... Started in relatively tight on some good colored water. Fish we took were on citric shad short shallow rat, silver Smitty, gold(ish) Smitty... Spoons that worked were stingers in blonde chicken wing, regular chicken wing, and Gold perch. I did have a couple shots on the stinger mongoose on a weight rod. My riggers were parked anywhere from 6-10 feet down and 45 feet back. Chinook divers #1 back 15 & 20 feet back were probably our best set ups. I think we ended the morning 8 for 11 or something like that... Wasn't great, but wasn't terrible. It's crazy how quickly the fish shut off due to boat pressure ... And there was a ton of boat pressure .. Hopefully the upcoming cold front will put us back a little as far as spring conditions go. Tight lines!
  10. Update..... Fish are doing great... Boiling up on feed.... Thanks to all the volunteers who are stepping up...
  11. Here is the Feed schedule . If anyone wishes to fill in on the open dates, please contact the feed schedule coordinator Randy Callus at (585) 739-0569. Thank you!
  12. The kings I caught this weekend were empty.. browns were puking Gobies up....
  13. 100%......Brian is your guy
  14. It's great to see all the folks getting out and enjoying our resource .. brings me back to when my Dad used to bring me and my brother out on our 19 ft Thompson ... Manual down riggers.... The MissD isn't the best rig on the lake... But she's good enough to get us out and back safely.... I appreciate the kind words. Good luck this season.
  15. It is cool to watch how the DEC load those fish into the pens. They did a great job. If anyone would like to be on the hand feeding schedule, please contact Randy Callus at 585-739-0569. Its actually pretty fun to go down and feed the fish and see them boil up on the feed like a school of piranha. Great job by all the pen rearing sites volunteers.
  16. The word of the day was Mud... Lots of dirty water! Ran to where I thought there was some cleaner water ( night before road scouting mission,) and found it was still dark and dingy.. put out short shallows and long shallows bay rats ...120 ft back on boards. Glow frogs on mini Chinook divers 15 ft back... First hour was painfully slow. Got a call from Yankees Craig and Rich ( thanks boys) that they had decent color water ahead of us and we're getting bit... Rolled into a small patch of water and pulled a pile of browns, a coho and two really good spring sharks. Those kings were not happy and the anglers had their hands full with the light tackle. Colors that worked... Citric shad long and short... Wonder bread long, fire tiger long, dirty goose short, frog short.... Beautiful day and a great start to 2023... Be well...
  17. Maybe the biggest turnout we have ever had... Thank you! Let's pray for continued success for all pen rearing sites.....
  18. ...I'm glad to see Sandy step up and take the bull by the horns... Not a big fan of how the kings were "re distributed" .. I give Jesse Hollenbeck alot of credit. . Good luck to you guys.... Let's hope the king pens return to Sandy and the other ports it was taken from.. Let's pray for a longer spring so you guys can keep the little guys a little longer.... . . .
  19. I will take this one Sam.... The Genesse raised steelhead for many many years... And for many many years, the project fell on the backs of the same Lake anglers. Fast forward to a few years ago..... The DEC gets influenced by a hand full of people ( non lake anglers) to lower the creel limits of steelhead in tribs as well as the lake. The new creel limit was adopted with much opposition from the Lake guys. So now if people catch more than 2 steel, #3 has to get tossed back... Even if it's dead... Illegal to keep #3... And steelhead tend to not make it when you bring em in on junk rods or from deep depths.... Lake Anglers made a very good argument that fell on deaf ears.... And the new regulation went through... So after a vote at the ( then ) Genesee Charter Boat Association meeting... It was unanimous that we cease raising steelhead... I mean it was Lake Guys who did all the work anyway and got a regulation jammed down our throats. So we have been approached many times since then to start raising steelhead again... We would love to... But only when the Lake Creel limit returns to 3. Not alot to ask, since it was our sweat and bull work that has made this program possible from the beginning.... The simple solution... Bring it back to 3 silvers ( including steelhead) and we would 100% raise them right next to our kings.
  20. I'll comment for a bump. Absolutely agree with you. Jim was a gentleman for sure. He was always available for a chat. I really like talking to the older fellas who have been around the lake. It was cool to hear his stories about how he and a couple local Captains came up with Honeybees and Optimizer spoons. To this day, I still run both...especially those bright red ones for steelhead offshore. Those green ones are great for browns also. Good luck with the sale ...
  21. I don't need explanations.... It obviously doesn't matter what I, or the numerous other people who have similar opinions have. Jigger... Every time you post season dates there are comments about January dates.. what did you expect would be different this time? I won't waste my time with a phone call... Kinda like when I wasted my time with the survey I filled out....
  22. I know exactly what your doing... Braid is not the way to go. I use two or three rod lengths of #50 mono. I attach it with a small spro barrel swivel. No curly wire... I can run a little lighter leader if I'm running spoons ( the 50# momo has a little stretch). Plus the fleas don't like the 50#.
  23. And yet again.... No January Season for Ducks! I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Glad I wasted my time filling out that survey.
  24. Black.... And if I have another color, I paint them black
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