Browning BSS20, find a nice used one and pay 1500-2000 for it and you won't be sorry,
Yes it shoots 3" mags nicely. Holds its value as they keep going up yr after yr.
Where were you guys fishing? I was out there on Sunday. I fish out of Westport MA.
Western Buzzards bay.. A bit foggy Sunday but it didn't stop the BSB from biting.
This boat is in great condition, is ready to go with over half full fuel
tanks, Well maintained while I owned the boat. Stringers, bulkhead and transom
replaced with pressure treated oak, no dings in props.
New waste holding tank and toilet rebuilt 2 yrs ago. See everything real
nice from flybridge. Has auto pilot with remote control.
Very comfortable to sleep on. Loaded with extras like AC, genrator, stove,
microwave, 12v/120v refrig, Stand up bathroom. Way to much to list.
No electronics or tackle. Runs great, fishes great. Not to bad on fuel for size
and weight of boat.
Twin 350 volvo penta engines and drive. Onan generator. Coast guard package.
All docking lines and taylor boat bumpers. Storage stands included with boat.
Twin 110 gallon fuel tanks. Wash down. New canvas top on flybridge.
Boat is located at Oswego marina, Oswego NY.
Lateron is a charter boat but the guys who won the Atomic where all ams. I own the boat and hire a Capt for any charters booked. The Charters are few and far between as there are LOTS of great charter boats in the area, the few charters help pay for fuel, insurance and slip fees. This worked out OK, not great but OK. The best part is I get to use my boat for fishing when I want. So there where no pros on the boat during the Atomic Tourney. Afterall the only difference between pro and am is being a licensed guide or capt and the amount of entry money involved.
Thanks guys, problem solved, got the I phone gs3. I don't think there's anything it cant do. Works great just have to figure out how to use all the features. Great to zoom in on anything and can read it easy now.
Called ATT and they gave me the bad news about my phone doesn't support pdf files.
Now I have to upgrade to another phone. This was a replacement through insurance as
my last phone (that this one replaced) supported pdf. Who would have thought to ask that question
when getting a replacement phone from the cell phone insurance people. Screwed again.
Tried it again and my phone says "subject not supported by device". I tried both options the web site offers "save file" or "open" both choices gives me a message as above. Cant find anything on the web site about adding apps for ability to read pdfs.
I see the summer derby leaderboard is presented in a pdf format. I can open this just fine
on my PC but when I try to open it with my cell phone web browser it wont open. Do I need
to load something on the phone or will it be
"can't open pdf with cell browser". I have the
LG VU plus which is capable of TV. Want to be able to check updates on leaderboard while
up at the boat. There was no problems with getting the updates last year on same phone
but it was posted in html format not pdf. Anyone else experience this or have a solution.
We had the 4th place brown and now I see it's been moved to second place. Yes the fish still exists frozen in a freezer in Oswego. So I'm guessing the previous 1 and 2 place were both Atlantics?
Thanks to Dave Turner, his staff and all the volunteers for putting
on a great tournament. Preparation is 90% of winning and I failed the technical side, reading,
understanding the rules and memorizing them. I had a great team fishing with me even though they
had never used a downrigger before, never seen or heard of a wire dipsey or copper wire and
planer boards. They sure could fight fish and net them. There was a series of problematic events
that occurred that really took its toll on me and I was very tired and not feeling well. We kept talking
about the deadline to fish and saying it was 1 pm. I should have read the rules again at that point to
realize we needed to be in the pier head at 1pm NOT stop fishing at 1pm. After fishing the Atomik
challenge and the Fat Nancy shootout that 1pm just stuck in our heads. We did have a decent box
of fish that would have kept us in first place. We even had another LOC brown over 14 lbs. For any
tournament we will all sit down and read the rules together and understand them. We had a load of
fun and excitement on both days. I've been beating myself up mentally for failing on this one very
important issue of preparation (rules). We will be back and this snafu will not happen again.
I take full responsibility for failing to put our team in the money and apologize for my mistake.
OK thanks guys. Rod maybe you know as Justin has a fish on the board, did they punch the gill plate after weighing the fish. Just thinking this might be in conflict with gill punch for shootout. What am I worried about I doubt I will be in that situation but it could easily effect someone else. Maybe one of the weigh ins could punch the tail instead. Find out which the LOC people punch and do the other for the shootout that way there won't be a conflict between the two institutions.
OK we're all set. One more question, will these fish be eligible for the summer LOC? Just wondering because they usually punch the gill plate and was thinking there could be a conflict if gill plate already punched. Sorry for another question, when can the boats leave the dock and start fishing on Friday?