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Everything posted by rusty1034

  1. Howdy All, In a recent issue of Great Lakes Angler, I saw a little article/ad for cowbells that attach to the downrigger cable above the ball. Now I cant find the magazine, and I'm too cheap to buy another copy. Anyone read the same issue that could perhaps forward the info on how to contact the company that sells these items that I can't live without ? Thanks in advance for the help Rusty
  2. Howdy all, A buddy of mine who has become addicted to this silly passtime we call fishing has arrived at the level where he thinks he needs a boat. He's looking for a 16'ish open aluminum boat with a tiller steer outboard on a trailer. His level of addiction ? He caught a 300+ lb Goilath Grouper in Key West in '06. The 6 foot fiberglass replica arrived in his driveway last week. Where the heck do you hang that ? Thanks for the help Rusty
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