I am thinking of docking my boat at Wright's landing this year. I have fished out Oswego many times but never docked there. What docks are best ?
Looks like i will be trying running copper. That is something i didn't think i wanted to get into but from the reports on this post it looks like it works the best. The other day i ran lead core, dipsy diver, thumper rod, and downriggers and caught no salmon. I switched over for lakers and caught 2.
Like Gill-t this is the first year since the late 90's i am fishing Lake George. I fished primarily out of Hague and mostly for Lake Trout.I am now fishing out of Bolton Landing and am having limited success. I have been fishing for Lake Trout mostly and using the lures i used years ago. I have been using flatfish, Rainbow,Brown, and silver and blue jointed Rebels. I also used some mooselooks and sutton spoons. Any help with lures and location would be greatly appreciated as i am having a tough time figuring it out.
2007 Hydra Sports 2200 VXLoaded up 22' walkaround with tons of features. Yamaha F250 4 stroke aprox. 1200 hrs, Factory hard top, Trim tabs, Sink, Compass, Windlass anchor, Furuno 582L fish finder, Garmin 3210 GPS, Garmin GHC 10 auto pilot w/ remote, Fish Hawk 840 w/ x4 probe, (4) Big John downriggers gold, jump seats, Fwd & aft spreader lights, Has waste storage tank but porta potty is not hooked up to it, Taco outriggers, Livewell & fish box, VHF radio, Full canvas, 5 stainless rod holders, Stainless prop. Comes with 2004 EZ Loader tandem axle aluminum trailer.
I am asking $39999.00
I had a 1989 crestliner phantom 18 sportfish with the sst transom. I had a yamaha 90 hp outboard and a 9.9 4 stroke yamaha on it. That boat was the wettest riding boat i ever road in. While fishing i never took the bow cover off. Many times when running in from ontario i could hardly see where i was going. That boat looks like it is in great shape and seeing that it is an i/o, which would have more weight in the stern, it may ride different. I would take a ride in it in at least a 2 foot shop and see how it goes.
I had the depth raider. My friend had a moor subtroll and i tried that on my boat with the same results. Both units are picking up interference from the auto pilot. If i ever do it again and have a tr1 i would try a fishhawk because it doesn't use an antenna system like the moor or depth raider. Here is a link to their site. By the way you are going to love the tr-1. i had it on 2 boats i owned and it will spoil you.
I had the same problem and never found a fix. I spent so much time trying to get it to work correctly and never did. To use the depth raider i would just disengage the autopilot and immediately get a reading and reengage it when the boat started going off course. Here are the things i tried, electrical noise suppressor. electoral chokes on all the wires, moved one battery to the front of the boat to power the unit, moved the tr-1 unit as far away from the antenna as possible and probably a few more things i can't remember. I sold my boat a year ago and told the new owner about this issue. I contacted the owner of depth raider, Kurt, and he told me they were working on a fix. You might want to give him a call and maybe he has found something that works.
2003 Jetcraft 1925SK
19 foot heavy duty west coast style aluminum fishing boat
2003 115 Yamaha 4- stroke
2004 9.9 Yamaha 4-stoke high thrust
Ez loader galvanized trailer
Tr-1 Gold autopilot with throttle control
3 electric downriggers
JRC-FF50 color fishfinder
Garmin 162 GPS
Planer board mast
Vhf marine radio
Scotty black box
Dual batteries
Full canvas including drop curtain
2 pursuit rod holders for dipsey's
Asking $18,900 518-842-8045
2003 Jetcraft 1925SK
19 foot heavy duty west coast style aluminum fishing boat
2003 115 Yamaha 4- stroke
2004 9.9 Yamaha 4-stoke high thrust
Ez loader galvanized trailer
Tr-1 Gold autopilot with throttle control
3 electric downriggers
JRC-FF50 color fishfinder
Garmin 162 GPS
Planer board mast
Vhf marine radio
Scotty black box
Dual batteries
Full canvas including drop curtain
2 pursuit rod holders for dipsey's