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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Finally made it over to Skaneateles! Beautiful little waterfront town, lots of activity for a Thursday night. A quick stop at the candy store for a coffee and chocolate for Theresa. And some of my favorites, cherry fruit slices! Of course Tavion then hit up his own "candy store".
  2. 1-2ft rollers, pretty nice. Bring a fly swatter!
  3. The fishing died once the wind switched to the east. The killer flies have gone into "devour" mode. Time to pull and head in.
  4. Nope she's the one keeping us out here looking for a derby fish! She's super pissed about the one she lost this morning!
  5. I tried singles a few years ago and had an aweful time getting hookups. A lot of rip and gone or riggers popping straight up.
  6. Ok cool any good places for Theresa to get her shop on?
  7. Anyone have any recos for places to eat/shop in Skaneateles?
  8. Vinny if you can stay closer to the lake you'll be thankful, it's a long long ride from bay bridge to the lake. The money you save in gas will buy you dinner!
  9. A nice one for Theresa! 42nd spinny with pohonche fly.
  10. Replaced the hook with a size 1, put it back out, FISH ON!
  11. Gone :angry: Still haven't landed a fish on those 3/0 trebles and that was a monster. Time to go back to my size 1.
  12. Scotty riggers on the corner, two wire dipseys per side, two coppers off the otter boats (one per side) if I have enough people. Those are rubber bands on the dipseys. They let me run my dipsey drags a bit loose.
  13. 1-2s washing machine out of Sodus
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