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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Today's video for you poor suckers stuck at work
  2. I need to have you start holding my fish, that thing looked HUGE!
  3. I had the same problem a few weeks ago, wondering if they have a new supplier?
  4. Some big time netting skills demonstrated by yours truly The new Frabill net with its auto lock handle was awesome today!
  5. Kcomp was it a left or right board? You're more than welcome to this one if you want to stop by!
  6. Meatman what was the weight on that fish? It's super long but skinny! If it was a fatty that might have gone forty!
  7. Yes, 120-200. Lots of people fishing even shallower.
  8. Nicely done Mike! We couldn't get those inside fish to turn on at all today! I almost put out a big board, then chickened out
  9. There was really no one lure hotter than others. The mt dew green protroll with a 6" ITO fly has taken its share though.
  10. Had a fish following, popped it in neutral and WHAM! 375 dipsey SCREAMIN!
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