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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Lost the blue glow frog spinny and MrsRuffRider bait head on that last one.
  2. Haha I'm the same way when I watch it, it was a small miracle we landed that fish.
  3. Since we can't find the fish this morning here's another video... one very awkward release that we don't notice for a very very long time!
  4. To help your meetings go by... here's the video of the 32lber from yesterday!
  5. I know I switched from flashers to spinnys because of the amount of drag when fighting a fish. I never understood why squids went out of favor... you can catch 100 fish on a squid unlike the cheap tinsel flies we use today. One of the kings we caught today was on an orange squid with a fly skirt over it, makes me wonder if the squid would work just as well without the fly!
  6. Not sure how much you want to spend, but recommend you pick up two spools of Malin stainless wire and put that on two line counter reels. Then buy two size 1 dipseys to run off them with a spin doctor and ITO fly behind them. Then on your downriggers you can run spoons or spindoctors with flies. If you want to stop by Arneys Marina I can help show you how to set things up. Do you have a gps? If not maybe a smartphone? There are smartphone apps that show you your GPS speed and you could use that to determine your speed.
  7. I told Theresa we were going to stay out until we caught a bigger one tomorrow. She started sharpening the fillet knife... hmm must be getting it ready for those big fillets
  8. Sorry guys, things got frickin crazy out there! That 220 dipsey started ripping and just never stopped. We cranked the drag down, slowed the boat down as much as we could, and started circling. Right off the bat, the fish gets into one of the other dipseys, but luckily I was able to get it untangled quickly. About 20 minutes into the fight, I began thinking we must have the copper and that's why it's so hard for him to get this fish in... so I start reeling the copper in, but don't feel his fish on it... crap now I have the copper down the middle and his fish is going to the left side of the boat, then to the right and back. I start reeling like a mad man to get the 550 copper in. My arms cramped up a few times, but I thought I got it in pretty quick and it wasn't tangled. 20mins later... I'm figuring the fish must be foul hooked or something, because it just isn't budging. So I go to tighten the drag on the reel and realize it's almost all the way down already, holy smokes! Then we started gaining line... then the fish got into the two dipseys on the other side and started to go ahead of the boat! YIKES! We get all the rods moved and get the fish close to the boat, one last pull and swoop the fish is in the net. Now I've got the fish off the side of the boat and I have to heft it over our side walls in... yeah I'm gonna feel that in my back tomorrow lol. The fish hit the floor and holy cow was it long! It wasn't real fat though. I was guessing 29lbs, but when I tossed it on the scale it bounced between 31 and 33. My Dad's best friend hasn't been able to fish with us the last three years due to health issues, so it was awesome to see him land such a beast! It was still foggy out and I didn't really want to run in through the fog, so we pointed her south and said we'd troll in a few mins and then pull. Just as I tell Theresa to start pulling... a dipsey takes off. My dad fights that fish for a while and then another dipsey takes off. At this point, it's been almost and hour and we're now into 85fow. We finally get all the lines in, and run in to weigh in. 32lbs and 9oz was the official weight! Good for 13th place for now! Video to come later...
  9. Trying to pull lines but the fish won't let us! 90 rigger went with a coho, now the 350 dipsey is rippin
  10. Headed south to weigh in, too foggy to run in... We need a bigger cooler #bigtail
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