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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Our 18 boats were loaded up with crew members and Veterans and we began to leave the dock. The Coast Guard was unfortunately unable to provide escort in the morning, but they called and sent their well wishes to the teams and thanks and appreciation to the Veterans. We joined up outside of Arneys Marina and began our procession out to the pier heads... We zoomed around the point and headed for the pier heads... that's when we got our first glimpse at what awaited us... an absolutely heavenly sky, one filled with multiple waterspouts! Surprisingly it wasn't at all scary, but almost magical. Then it was through the pier heads and off we went, slowly, to begin the tournament. to be continued...
  2. This weekend was amazing. A huge thank you goes out to all of you who helped make everything go so smoothly! This year we extended the Salmon Slam to include a Friday Big Fish competition. It was $50 per boat and the pot was split with 50% going to the boat that caught the biggest fish and the other 50% going back to the Salmon Slam event. It was a beautiful day to go fishing. There were ten boats entered in the Friday competition. The fishing was hot off Sodus, especially in the deeper water. There were some bruisers out there as well. We managed a 24lber for 2nd place. Bout Time (Mike and Mike Sr.) Half Wired (Chad and Stu) And the 2013 BFF winner, Finders Keepers (Tim) Final Results (Top 5): Finders Keepers - 28lb 4oz Ruff Rider - 24lb 0oz Bout Time - 23lb 1oz Green Dolphin - 22lb 8oz Half Wired - 20lb 2oz The DEC also stopped by to weigh fish and take scale samples: We then finished off the day with a dinner at The Normandy Inn for their prime rib night. We had nine of the Erie Veterans and volunteers join us along with twenty one of the Captains and their families. It was a great time and an amazing experience getting to know some of the Veterans and getting some quality time with the other Captains. Saturday - The 2013 Salmon Slam I don't think I got more than a few mins sleep all night, waking up every time the wind gusted or the rain poured down, just praying it would settle. Unfortunately, my prayers were not answered and we were greeted by 3-5ft waves and WATERSPOUTS! The Veterans and active servicemen and servicewomen began to show up and the Captain's meeting was held. Boats were assigned and gift bags were handed out: Vet Giftbag Captain Giftbag including the ITO Salmon Slam Fly inside a Plano waterproof box: The ITO Salmon Slam fly was handed out to every boat and the largest fish caught on it would win an ITO prize pack. To be continued...
  3. Touch mine up while you're at it! Hahah
  4. I'm uploading pics now and should have them up tomorrow. A huge thank you to all of the Captains, volunteers, Veterans, Servicemen and Servicewomen, sponsors, and Project Healing Waters for making this event happen! Mark your 2014 calendars for next years event, the first Saturday in August!
  5. Congrats to Dipsy Ranger for takimg the Sodus crown!! (Sodus.ProA and Salmon Slam. Finders Keepers took 2nd place king. Ruff Rider had largest Steelie. Reel Outlaw had largest brown. Too tired for a full report tonight, but Ill fill everyone in tomorrow. The score.board:
  6. Sorry for the lack of live reports everyone.... it was pretty rough out there today! The fish appear to be pretty scattered. The Salmon Slam teams were finding fish in 100fow, and 500fow. 100ft down though seemed to be the hot depth and 350' on 1 setting dipseys. We've decided to sleep in and go to Nick's for some breakfast tomorrow after a pretty long couple of days. Good luck to anyone that gets out tomorrow! Nick
  7. Today's Big Fish Friday was won by Tim on Finders Keepers with a 28lb 4oz king. Nice job Tim! The weather was beautiful today and the fish were biting. Now we need to hope the same thing happens tomorrow! I know we're ready, let's catch some fish tomorrow!
  8. Today's Big Fish Friday was won by Tim on Finders Keepers with a 28lb 4oz king. Nice job Tim! The weather was beautiful today and the fish were biting. Now we need to hope the same thing happens tomorrow! I know we're ready, let's catch some fish tomorrow!
  9. Yea it's movin slow, but we're trollin back towards port. Thanks for the heads up!
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