As I woke this morning I quickly threw my chicken bones and did my calm water dance. Then I pulled up the wave forecast for this weekend.... NO... it can't be... all that work three years ago... countless nights of rambling in different languages... all the supernatural feats performed and sacrifices made... Could it really be possible? It can't be, we thought it was gone, we thought we had finally won, we thought we had broken (dun dun dunnnnn) THE CURSE OF SODUS (insert crash of thunder)!!!
Anyone who has fished the Sodus ProAm for a few years will be familiar with this curse. The middle of summer, most weekends are calm, but not ProAm weekend. Every one up until a couple of years ago would be tough, windy, small craft advisory type of weekends... We thought that was behind us... the last two years had been so good to us...
Is this year going to be the return of the curse? It sure looks like it