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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. The fish hit my invisible red lures just fine down 100ft!
  2. Some warm weather and a bit of west wind and they'll be there in no time!
  3. Tom I dont fish for lakers, but do a search for "cow bells" and that should get you started. I think GAMBLER on here is a good laker guy, maybe send him a private message.
  4. Gill we ran a flat line all morning with nada, after you posted I put an inline out with 5 colors... almost made a mess... the next fish that hit of course jumped over it twice... needless to say, it's back in the rod holder
  5. Theresa yells at me if I catch them, they poop all over her clean boat!
  6. Dropped it, pretty sure it was a laker by the way it did very little fighting...
  7. Headed to the bar this morning, occasional marks in 130fow. 45.6 surface temp, 44.4 @60 down
  8. lol not likely, Theresa wants to head to the Canadian wine trail this afternoon.
  9. Ryon, Welcome to Sodus! We'll be back in town next weekend. Stop by Arneys Marina, there's a good group of fisherman there always willing to show people the ropes. We're usually on Ch9 out there. Nick
  10. I'll be out of Wilson all week, usually on ch68 if you want to give me a holler. Nick
  11. Nice shootin Tim! It was a beautiful day out there today! Nick
  12. A video of the rigger fish that hit right after I finished resetting from the double. Barely had my butt in my seat and the rod took off. If it's calm tomorrow I might try to get some underwater video. The only problem with doing it is it pretty much takes one of my riggers out of commission. Maybe I'll toss the camera down a bit later in the day when the sun is bright and it has a better picture. Here is a video I took last year... pretty much debunked the myth that during the day salmon are just laying all over the bottom... I watched quite a few hours of video and only saw the occasional fish swim by on the bottom... didn't see any just laying there. Also surprised I didn't see a lot more lures, dodgers, cell phones, etc They must get buried by silt pretty quickly.
  13. Thanks for the heads up Gill! Unbelievable... we went to Niagara Falls this afternoon and it was 83 degrees... got back to the boat 30 mins later it was 53 degrees! Amazing how the wind coming off the cold lake water can seriously chill the air. We had dinner tonight at the Wilson Boat House. It's the restaurant located right at the Wilson Boatyard Marina. It was frickin fabulous. We weren't terribly hungry, so we each got a bowl of their seafood chowder ($9) and split a pot roast burger ($10). The chowder was delicious, but the pot roast burger was frickin incredible!!! If you haven't had it before, you need to drive over here and try it. I don't mean this weekend, I don't mean Friday, I mean call into work sick, or dead, tomorrow and get one. It was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. My phone was dead, so no pics of the food/restaurant, but we'll hit it up again and take some pics next time.
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