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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Perch eggs Reminds me of my first trip to Missouri where they told me their favorite breakfast item was squirrel brains with scrambled eggs. I never believed them until I saw a guy on Duck Dynasty eat the same thing! Nick
  2. I'd bet if I didnt tell you what was in it, you'd gobble it up! [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Ok then it was time for the lampreys! I brought the milk to a boil and laid out my lamprey fillets... I cooked them for about 15 mins and removed. When they came out they had the texture of crab meat... so I took a close smell of them, not much there a little sweet smelling. I chopped them up into small pieces for the pie and figured it was time to try lamprey. Theresa left the room and I took a deep breath and popped one in... chew chew chew... HOLY CRAP LAMPREY IS GOOD!!!!! It tasted almost exactly like snow crab legs! I couldn't believe it! In my astonishment, I tried to give a piece to Theresa who turned green and said no. Why is it that we judge our foods by looks rather than taste? I remade the pie mixture with the lamprey and popped the pies into the oven. The one lamprey didnt make a lot of pies, but I'll have a few at the Salmon Slam this Saturday. I used a mini cupcake tray so more people could try it. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. So last night was a baking night at the Ruff Rider house! I wanted to make mini salmon pies for the Salmon Slam saturday, oh and I had a lamprey to deal with I made the salmon pies first just in case the lamprey was nasty, I didnt want it to ruin the salmon pies. I started off by boiling a pan with whole milk... I grabbed a fresh bag of salmon from this weekend... Slipped the fillets into the milk and let them cook until they were flaky... Removed the fillets and used two forks to flake the meat apart into tunafish like consistency and removed all the pin bones and put it aside. Chopped up a green pepper... Then combined butter and the pepper in a pan and seared it, added flour, onion powder, cheddar cheese, an egg, thickened and then added in the flaked salmon. I use wonton wrappers as the pie crust... Formed the wonton wrappers into cupcake trays and put a scoop of my pie mixture in each. Made a topping of butter, bread crumbs, paprika, and cheddar cheese and topped each pie. Baked at 400 degrees for 5 mins and whallah! [ Post made via Android ]
  5. You won't believe it, lamprey tastes good!!! Details and pictures to come... [ Post made via Android ]
  6. We'll have a couple of escorts that will be first out [ Post made via Android ]
  7. No videos today?!? That's the highlight of my Mondays! Nick
  8. I'll have my gopro going and hopefully my sony handheld as well. I'm sure a few other boats may have cameras rolling as well too. We should be able to combine all our footage and make a pretty good little video. E-outdoors is supposed to film the event also.... Nick
  9. The bigger fish are starting to move in in larger numbers, with any luck fishing should be outstanding the next couple of weeks!
  10. Get yourselves one of these... they work better than the battery that comes with the gopro and with three batteries you don't need to worry... http://www.amazon.com/Wasabi-Power-Battery-AHDBT-001-AHDBT-002/dp/B005NC8BF6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343657594&sr=8-1&keywords=wasabi+gopro
  11. Theresa and I were just talking about that this morning! I don't have anyone lined up to do it, I was going to see if maybe Jack or someone could do it... you have any ideas?
  12. We do our best to have fun out there and help eachother catch fish [ Post made via Android ]
  13. I think they should just give us both the prize and for the fall make sure to add a "tie breaker"! That fish was really long, a bit more belly on it and you might have won the whole thing! Btw, you jinxed us today... after you said you were worried about a big king getting in your copper, sure enough our 29lber ran straight into our copper today [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Eww that's gross i'm not cooking the guts [ Post made via Android ]
  15. How bad can it be, our pet crow grabbed the skin as soon as we left the cleaning station! [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Received donations from Warrens, Finders Keepers, Davenports, and Rhys Davis this weekend! The event is really shaping up! If anyone has any last minute questions feel free to PM me! [ Post made via Android ]
  17. You sound like me, an alarm or small problem and cant stop worrying about it until it's fixed, really can put a damper on things I couldnt get my copper to budge this weekend! [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Well it was another good weekend of fishing, although the weatherman should be shot. I got back into a bit of a groove after last weekend's misery. Can't wait to get a couple of veteran's on a few screamers next Saturday at the Salmon Slam! Our hottest rig by far the past couple of weekends was a white board green dot spinny with a pohanche passion fly. It got pretty torn up and Jeremy (daredevil) said put it back down, sure enough beat to heck it still took fish. After a few fish today though, it was looking pretty bad! Thanks to Wayne (BlackJawBandit), he came through big with a lamprey this morning! It was NOT easy to clean as the slime made it nearly impossible to get a grip on. I accidently slid my arm across its teeth which surprisngly stung. Inside they are similar to an eel, just a thick cartilidge backbone and guts that come out in one swipe of your finger. In the end you're left with a big piece of meat and cartilidge backbone. I cut along the backbone making two long fillets. No pics of them though as Theresa started to get queazy and couldnt work the camera anymore I'll probably end up making a bunch of salmon cakes for the Salmon Slam and i'll make a few lamprey cakes as well... will you be man enough to try them... or will you be laughed at and mocked by a guy who uses pink rods? [ Post made via Android ]
  19. That's a beautiful fish, shaped almost perfectly! [ Post made via Android ]
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