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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Nick, We made the decision last night to bag the BFF today due to the weather. We are going to come up for lunch and try to pre-fish this afternoon/evening. We are going to go over to the weigh in for the BFF and see how everyone did. Maybe we will see you there? What time is weigh in? [ Post made via Android ]
  2. When we drove by you I was like "man look at this guy he's gettin tossed around like a cork in a flushed toilet .. Oh that's Finders Keepers lol". A wee bit too rough for us today. It will give me a chance to change out one of my boat batteries though and do some prep work for the Salmon Slam in a couple of weeks (Cant wait!) [ Post made via Android ]
  3. They never left, the constant wind has them scattered. If the lake settles they will form back up, but the lake may not settle,so dont wait, fish when you can! [ Post made via Android ]
  4. I launch mine at arneys, not as steep (or crazy) as the public launch. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Well the wind is still howling, not looking good for the morning. Hopefully we'll be able to get out in the afternoon at least. My friend just dropped off a new rigger weight for me, about 14lbs. We used them on his boat last weekend and they tracked really nicely... A few quick videos of the rough fishing today. Eric was the lucky man of the day, not because his fish was the biggest, but because he had to reel it in on the 500' copper in 8' waves... he was a trooper though and showed that fish who was boss! zooStzWpcko&feature=plcp&hd=1 The ride in was kinda scary, had to actually ride out a bit to get back East then head with the waves into the chute. If you didn't give the boat enough gas to "surf the wave", the wave would pick you up and push you wherever it wanted... 5UXkNhyuoqI&feature=plcp&hd=1 Also, we caught a lamprey today, but it snuck off the boat before I could get a picture of it. Thought this video was pretty awesome... eqoT8tcZq6k&feature=r-vrec&hd=1 For those of you braving the storm tomorrow, please be safe. Nick
  6. I'm guessing you had as much fun out there with the waves as we did today? Hopefully bucketfulls is referring to rain and not bailing out? Nick
  7. Last night they were god aweful, a full mph at least. Today no idea we were too busy going up and down [ Post made via Android ]
  8. That had me cracking up... Wind is REALLY howling now... don't think many people are getting out tonight or tomorrow morning unless the forecast is wrong.
  9. Wayne, I hope that was a typo, otherwise you have some strange ways of overcoming sea sickness [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Yup, so imagine how big they were in person! Finders Keepers was stayin out there but he's kinda nuts We had a heck of a time docking, that wind was cranking! [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Forgot to post the copper fish while trying to stay upright! [ Post made via Android ]
  12. All 3 kids got one, we're gettin the f outta here! [ Post made via Android ]
  13. 180 ... 190 ... 175 ... 192.... 182 ... 194 WAVY! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. 380 dipsey rippin, roughas sh1t out here.. [ Post made via Android ]
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