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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. 43 deg down 50 over 90fow WOW! Not used to this cold water in Sodus. Screen is dead. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Kinda slow this morning, water is really cold. Todays sun should warm it up a bit and turn the bite on! [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Extremely cold water, 45deg down 50 over 100fow. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. I'll have to borrow one of Theresa's thongs... Feel free to use our grill at the marina... Charcoal is under it. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Just dropped a biggy right behind the boat, 50 rigger blue spoon. [ Post made via Android ]
  6. I think there are two very important things to learn from this story that weren't said... #1 always have enough life jackets "on deck" for everyone. That way even if the boat sinks, there should be life jackets floating in the water. #2 and 18ft boat with four people in 3ft waves is dangerous. We used to fish out of a 19ft trophy, which has much higher walls, and 3ft waves were a lot for that boat. I know there are a lot of people on this board that fish in small boats and are out there in waves that make us come in with our 24ft boat... please be careful out there... the salmon will always bite tomorrow, you just need to be alive to catch them! Nick
  7. Managed to get out of DC a bit "early" and am headed up to the lake... we should get there about 3:30am... if we can drag our butts out of bed we'll be out tomorrow morning, just perhaps a bit later than usual. Surface temps look pretty stable, not too surprising after a couple of days of calm weather. Surprisingly everyone has been reporting colder temps though... normally around this time of year temp is down 120', not 80'. There hasn't been a strong South or East wind that I know of, so it's surprising. Wave forecast is too good to be true: FRIDAY SOUTHEAST WINDS 10 KNOTS OR LESS BECOMING WEST. WAVES 1 FOOT OR LESS. FRIDAY NIGHT SOUTHWEST WINDS LESS THAN 10 KNOTS. WAVES 1 FOOT OR LESS. SATURDAY SOUTH WINDS 10 KNOTS OR LESS BECOMING WEST. WAVES 1 FOOT OR LESS. SATURDAY NIGHT SOUTHWEST WINDS 10 KNOTS OR LESS BECOMING SOUTH. A CHANCE OF SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS OVERNIGHT. WAVES 1 FOOT OR LESS. SUNDAY SOUTHWEST WINDS 5 TO 10 KNOTS. A CHANCE OF SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS. WAVES 2 FEET OR LESS. Time to step it up this weekend and show those big boys who's boss! (Theresa is of course ) See everyone out there, good luck and be safe! Nick
  8. Ch9. Im headed up now from DC, be there around 3am. [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Tim, The only thing that drives me nuts with my Scottys are the stop beads. I REALLY wish they'd come up with a way to have them stop like the canons do. They work fine 99% of the time, but every once in a while a bead comes off due to a rigger tangle or god knows what and it tends to spell trouble... My dock neighbor just had to replace a belt on his scotty last year... it was over 10 years old... I can deal with that lol. I do LOVE how the tilt up out of the way though. The fast drop is great once you get used to them, but be careful when you have people on the boat that are used to canons... I've lost a couple of balls that way Nick
  10. Bob is a great guy to deal with, I'll let Bob post our new surprise when he's ready.... Nick
  11. Am I the only one that doesn't like the roller rods? I find that I constantly need to make sure they are "laying correctly" in the rod holder or else the wire can jump off the roller tips... Nick
  12. No problem, just wasn't sure which tournament you were asking about to give you an answer
  13. Did you mean to post this in the Sandy Creek Shootout thread or someplace else maybe? Nick
  14. ssssshhhh... You just gave away my favorite spot! [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Stu looks like you're nailin them out there! Fishing has been incredible on the weekends but even better on weekdays when there's less pressure out there. Make sure to float a couple of balloons out there for me so I know where to go Friday Nick
  16. Just wanted to give people a hint at some of the prizes we are going to have at the event... time to sharpen those hooks!
  17. ok guys, can everyone that volunteered PM me their email address so I can get a mailing list put together? Also, please include: * If you allow smoking/drinking on your boat * If you have served, what branch * If you are trailering or docking at Arneys My answers are: * No smoking, no drinking * Never served * Docked at Arneys I'll use this information to try and match up the veterans to each boat.
  18. Was it Jack? If so I need to call and give him a hard time
  19. I tried that and it said that it is no longer taking online entries (i think it's past the 15 day mark). I did find something that said if within 15 days, cash will need to be paid directly to the event coordinator... but I have no idea who that is, or where he is... Nick
  20. Anyone know where we are supposed to fax or drop off the Open division registration forms? I'm trying to sign up for the Sodus Open event... but the form doesn't say where to fax it to, just to make sure it's in prior to the monday before the event.
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