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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Just in case anyone is wondering what we're talking about... a storm was approaching fast... We had all the poles pulled in except one... the copper... which of course got slammed. Wayne got that fish in, but the storm had hit and the wind was blowing HARD. The video tells the rest of the story... 9IrDSXnJRr0&feature=plcp&fmt=22
  2. Thanks for leave a few out there for us It's amazing how many people are losing fish on dipseys this year! Come August, there will be some very very large fish around Nick
  3. Nice! Love seeing smiles on kids faces after catching a king! [ Post made via Android ]
  4. You da man John! [ Post made via Android ]
  5. I so want one of those shirts... I Love Bacon.... that's awesome! It's amazing how high your water temps were over there. Sodus had temps down 100ft by the time the weekend came. Crazy how just that short distance can make such a difference out there! Nick
  6. Yeah she's used to it. We had a weekend a few years back where we broke 4 or 5 rods in a single weekend. It was right after a really hot dry day just like this past week. I'm guessing the moisture gets sucked out of the rods making them a bit more brittle or something. At least it was the rod I really didn't like, so I got to replace it with a new Okuma We got lucky that the wire didn't break, or those flying pieces could have put someone's eye out. Always good to wear your sunglasses... oh wait... that won't work for you anymore Wayne
  7. Not sure where that is, but start at 80fow, troll north. Put a lure down 60, 70, 90 & go till ya hit one. If you have a temp probe put your highest lure at 50deg and stagger every 15ft down from there. If you have dipseys put one at 225 the other at 325. Adjust based on what gets hit. Speed is the most important, 2.8 gps speed will get you close enough. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Nice job Kyle, we heard you say you had one going on the 375 wire, so we dropped one of our wires down to 375... wasn't down there five minutes before it got slammed! Btw, it had to be rougher than heck in your boat out there! Nick
  9. I'm about to dull my hooks in case they are too sharp and going right through the fish's lips
  10. Nice king!! One of these days people are going to need to tell me how they're keeping the big kings on, we've dropped every single one we've had on out of Sodus this year! It was too rough for us out there today, but glad to see that the fish were biting! Nick
  11. You won't find an "accurate" wave report... there just isn't such a thing. Some days the waves will start at 1ft, then build to 3ft, then subside to 1ft... so I suppose if they say 2ft or less on average they are right There are a few webcams I utilize, the Sodus Lighthouse and Webster shore webcams are two. They at least let me see what the lake looks like prior to driving the boat out. I also utilize weather.com and check their hourly weather forecast to see what they predict for wind... they tend to be at least close if you add 5mph (since the wind always seems to be stronger on the lake). Then just from past experience I can judge if 10mph out of the North vs South will be rough. If it's rough through the night, chances are any wind from the N/W will keep it rough. Anytime the wind will be out of the south it is usually pretty nice. East winds tend to be nice as well, although if it's blowing hard the waves will be small but hit you hard making it not much fun. Hope that helps. Nick
  12. Too windy for us today. Had a great few days, time to head home. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Slow out here, screen is blank and it's rough! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Dipsey with a 3 setting out 80' works well for us. [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Your problem is you're running it down the middle. Most of us bring the fish up the middle. Get an otter boat, put it out 30-50ft. Let your copper out down the middle SLOWLY. Pass it over your riggers and dipseys, clip onto the planer line and slide it as far away from the boat as you can. NEVER NEVER turn until the copper has been deployed for at least a few mins. That way when a fish bites another line the copper is way out of the way. The currents have been terrible the last few days.we've been out which makes it very tough. [ Post made via Android ]
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