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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. 90 foot rigger, fire tiger spoon, dropped a small guy [ Post made via Android ]
  2. I'm sure a full morning of fishing and tired arms will only help your golf game [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Spent the day working on the boat, got the kicker off and dropped it at the mechanic in hopes that he'd find some time to work on it. Also pulled the boat and got a new transducer put on, an airmar p66. It was amazing that none of the previous screws had any silicone on them. Friends are out in 200fow hitting kings... We'll join them shortly... [ Post made via Android ]
  4. You need two flies, one green and one white Nick
  5. We started to get away from them also... however... yesterday we were having a terrible time with dipseys getting hit, ripping out line for 5 seconds and then gone. We put a rod out with a snubber on it... all the fish hooked up. Could be coincidence, don't know, but with the amount of bite and spits we've had on dipseys this year, I'm willing to try it Nick
  6. Weatherman screwed the pooch today. Woke up to a crazy east wind, ezup canopy was shreaded Hoping it lays down... [ Post made via Android ]
  7. I'll probably do the sodus sat open division on a friend's boat. $695 was a bit too much $ for me to donate lol. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. I'll be sure to send you a picture of it! We apparently were fishing too shallow today, although we had a lot of fish on, none were over 15lbs (one or two we had hit and spit may have been a bit bigger, but we'll never know). We were running a similar program but shallower. I put the probe down 100ft and we had ice water. 50deg for us was between 75-85 ft most of the day. Always amazes me how things can be so different just a few miles apart on the lake Good luck out there tomorrow! Give me a call one of these days for a Salmon Slam update as well! Nick
  9. Nice wheels Ray! I'll have to check with the fire department. I dont know if a tent will work as we'd have to set it up in the front of arneys away from the cleaning station and bbqs. We'll have a few ezups for people to find some shade if they need. if it looks like rain a couple of days before i'll have to rethink the tent though [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Nice! We couldnt find the big boys off sodus today. We covered a lot of ground, but prob should have slid out deeper. Tim remind me to buy you a baby on board sticker [ Post made via Android ]
  11. WW ill let you know if anyone needs a mate. If you want to come by early saturday to help setup that would be great. Im trying to figure out how to get enough coffee for everyone at 6am, anyone have any ideas? [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Merry Independence Day on the 4th of July! [ Post made via Android ]
  13. They werent bad in the cold shallow water, when we moved out into the deep warm water they were nasty! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Fleas are bad... Small fish hit copper as I was pulling it in. headed in now... [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Just givin a smorgasborg of ways to win [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Small king and steelie, the copper had a laker looks like we were dragging it for a while, the leader was all twisted up. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. TRIPLED! 350 dipsey, 200 dipsey, 500 copper... [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Yea sounds like some of the bigger fish were east today. Lots of action though... [ Post made via Android ]
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