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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. So Theresa wanted to go back to Niagara on the Bar, so I thought id give everyone a bit more info... We found an amazing place today called 4th sense. It's a hot sauce, barbecue sauce, seasoned oil place. They had hundreds of sauces and the best part; you can taste test EVERY SINGLE ONE! It was amazing. We bought some bhut jolokia barbecue sauce, wasabi horseradish sauce, garlic grape seed oil and a bunch of other stuff. If you like hot sauces it is a MUST SEE! We tried someplace new for dinner it was "eh". Not bad but wouldnt go again. I got the beef burgolese with white truffle oil and it was good. Theresa got a bowl of seafood chowder, they brought her the spoon first and when she saw the size of the spoon she was expecting a heaping bowl of soup, instead she got a big bowl with a tiny pit in the middle with two spoonfulls of soup, it was almost laughable! The wilson boat house chowder BLOWS THIS AWAY! We hit up another candy store for a candy apple, some truffles, and a marzapone. This place has probably 100 different kinds of jams! Ok, trust me and stop in this store and get a jar of the asagio cheese spread, delicious! Theresa loves this store it's all hats! Really fancy hats (think kentucky derby). She found two she liked, one was $36 the other $180... crazy expensive but a neat place to try things on. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Remember they didn't build that fancy place on paying winners!!! If you have the same luck there as you have had fishing, you'll be getting hds - 10 insted of the 5 Lets just hope my luck fishing tomorrow is better than my gambling luck tonight! [ Post made via Android ]
  3. I keep my drag pretty light especially for spring kings, so he really tore wire out! His first run brought me out to 700 and his second run to 850! Theresa did a great job of slowing the boat down and circling the fish, without her it would have stripped me for sure... Imagine a fall size king with the energy of a spring king, it was awesome! [ Post made via Android ]
  4. This had Theresa and I cracking up! Thanks everyone for letting us know you like the reports, I never know if im giving enough detail or too much non fishing stuff. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. I meant to grab a gator and forgot. I ran mags the last few days without.luck, they never.seem to work for me. [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Love that show! Have you watched "Wicked Tuna"? That show is awesome as well. There is plenty of comic relief on the boat I just dont write about it! Today for instance I got my port and starboard dipseys mixed up and realzed it just in time for one to get hit... I had no idea what to do! Speaking of starboard and port... Am I the only one who prefers to say driver/passenger side? All I know is if I fall overboard and only have a few seconds to say something... If I tell my wife or friends on the boat "throw the rope off the port side" my chances of living are 50/50, if I say driver side I like my odds [ Post made via Android ]
  7. The weather has been amazing! I dont know that we've even seen more than a couple of clouds! I just wish it had been.a.south wind instead of east all week and maybe a quick tstorm or two to get the fish active! But this will be our first trip to wilson in 10yrs where we got out every day. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Ouch sorry to hear that! How bad was the damage? What fishfinder does the new boat have, mine wasnt marking a thing out there! Nick [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Sorry guys in canada will reply to everyone when I get back... IMPORTANT question, red or black? [ Post made via Android ]
  10. We were fishing the bar, but I saw a report from someone fishing out front and they did well too. [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Marking a few fish down 100', dropped a rigger down to say hello. I really need a new fishfinder, almost pulled the trigger on an hds-5 last year, but didnt feel like pulling the boat and paying to have my thruhull replaced. [ Post made via Android ]
  12. 28lbs, and inside the water... The lures dont work well outside of it I think you're asking which dipsey? Inside. Or maybe fow? 220. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Algae is aweful out here today, keep having to pull lines and take it off... [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Popped it down for ya! 310 dipsey. Different fly though, we dont use atomik, so more of a green/black (too lazy to switch out the fly lol). [ Post made via Android ]
  15. We now remember why there is 1000ft of wire on our rods! [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Finally able to get all the rods in the water! Lots of steel in the top 50. 50 riggers and 90 dipseys. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Morning skip, need a spoon and spinny fly choice for today, any ideas? [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Tonight we went back into Canada for the niagara wine trail and dinner in a town called niagara on the lake. There are over 160 wineries in ontario and like 50 of them are just across the border. They specialize in a wine called ice wine. It's a desert wine made from grapes that arent picked until the temp gets below -8'C (They only had two such days last winter!) The wine is very sweet and DELICIOUS! Because they only get a few drops out of the frozen grapes it is expensive, $30-$100 per 350ml. Illkinson and Caroline cellars are two of our favorite wineries. We also stopped at Pilliteri, but they only had three types you could taste test and im not one to buy wine blindly. We headed to Niagara on the lake, which is a gorgeous old town with a road of shops, bakeries, and restaurants. We ate dinner at a place called corks. I had the best fish and chips ive ever had, literally melt in your mouth! And we of course had to stop at one of the four bakeries! (ok ok we actually stopped at two). Alright, bedtime, back at em early tomorrow, night all! Nick [ Post made via Android ]
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