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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. 57F down 90 over 160fow. Occasional mark checking out our 100ft rigger.
  2. A big thank you to the LOC, which will be entering all of our Veterans in the Summer LOC again this year! Last year we had a Veteran win big with a huge Lake Trout. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could catch a division winner for one of our Veterans this year?!
  3. I am pleased to announce that all of our Veterans will be signed up for both the LOC and NYS Summer Classic this year! To enter an LOC fish, everyone on board must have an LOC summer ticket. For the NYS Summer Classic, while everyone aboard does not need to register for the Veteran to weigh in, it is of course recommended.
  4. I know Roy! It was PAINFUL for me to add Lake Trout this year! But someone had a good point, if we let people catch lakers, there will be that many less lakers in the lake In all seriousness though, the rule change will allow the Veterans a chance to win prizes in the new Summer Classic tournament as well. BFF is salmon only.
  5. A small rule clarification to detail that only the Hughes boats will need to leave from Hughes and start fishing at horn blast @630. Sodus boats will be assigned their Veteran(s) and immediately head back to their boats in Sodus, board, leave and begin fishing immediately.
  6. Vencore, Bass Pro, and Shark are on board this year as core sponsors as well!
  7. The Salmon Slam prizes have begun to roll in from our great sponsors!
  8. Updated team's list and rules have been added to the first post.
  9. For BFF, as long as I have payment in my hand or my paypal account before I leave the dock at 5am, you're good to go. I can take credit cards as well for a $1 fee. For the Salmon Slam tournament, registration for boats will end July 2nd. BBQ tickets can be bought up to the day of the event. For the Salmon Slam Dinner, I need RSVPs and meal choices by July 9th.
  10. A day of fishing with no bites on calm water is still better than most other days!
  11. They are very different than spinnies... kinda meet in the middle between spinnies and flashers. I liked how little resistance they have when flighting a fish. I got my hands on a couple late last year and then broke my ankle. I did get to run them a couple of times though and they worked well. We caught a couple of kings with flies behind them. We need to try meat behind them this year and that wonderbread one has my name written all over it!
  12. We are pleased to announce this year's Salmon Slam chicken BBQ at Hughes Marina! It will be Saturday July 29th at 3pm. Tournament Captains and Project Healing Water Veterans will be provided a ticket as part of their tournament registration and early access to the BBQ. For others who would like to attend, tickets are $11 ($6 for Veterans and active duty). There will be chicken roasters, drinks, salads, and sides. If you would like to come out and show your support for our Veterans, while enjoying some great food, stop by Hughes Marina to purchase your tickets. Hughes Marina also has boat docks, gas, and a great launch for anyone flooded out of their normal spots this year!
  13. It's june transition... kinda to be expected on the East end. Once the lake sets up and thermacline forms, it will be game on! We usually look forward to the first week of July in Sodus.
  14. Pretty slow out here for everyone. A few are finding surface steelies and few further west bouncing bottom for some lakers. We are just putzin around today and relaxing. No lure changes for us Just a nice relaxing cruise.
  15. Screen in 130fow died, moved out to 165fow and lit back up. Lots of debris out here, just had a log wrap around a rigger.
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