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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Sorry for the delay it was rough as hell and I needed to get the lines in and into the chute. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Man when those dipseys are out only 100ft the fish hit like freight trains! Ripped out 350' of wire then ran at the boat. I netted it and it went berzerk and jumped out of the net! It started peeling line instantly and almost pulled the wife overboard when the boat hit a large wave sideways....amazing fight. Green area 51 spoon 95' 3 setting dipsey. Got worried as we were about to pull lines and that would have ended our perfect season of no skunks...managed a fish at the last second. Pulled and headed in, lake was super rough. [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Wind is picking up, actually knocked down those big waves, but wont take long to build in the new direction.... fishing is aweful, save your gas. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. 40deg down 45' over 150fow... Marking some hooks 20-40 down... waves arent fun, pointed south, may troll into port and call it a morning...need to change the boat name to "sissy man". [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Never seen the lake like this, mostly flat then every few mins a set of 4ft straight up and down waves come rollin through... [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Giant random rollers out here... no idea where they are coming from.... 43deg down 28' over 100fow, blank screen. Only one fish caught over radio, 1lb king in 70fow. [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Lots of bait in 50-60fow... no hooks though. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone... now please concentrate your prayers on the fish biting haha. [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Cold cold water.... 49deg down 20' in 50fow. Boats everywhere. Fish were jumping in the channel, put out a jplug, no luck. Think im gonna try deeper water. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Yea it was real bad there, looked like quite a few area were flooded and many had muddy parking lots where the water had receeded. [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Well had planned to get up to the lake in time to go out tonight, but while stuck in traffic where I81 was shut down near Binghamton, we got rear ended by a tractor trailer... luckily we were all going slow and there wasnt too much damage. We hope to get out tomorrow but the lake might be rough in the morning.... [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Heard shallow water was extremely cold... Might be a good time to run offshore and have fun with steelies and teen kings. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Getting lower every day. At the start of the season I had to step up onto my swim platform, now it's a huge step (imagine 2 stairs) down onto my swim platform. There is still plenty of water in the launch though, just make sure and watch your trailer tires with the white line on the dock that signifies the end of the ramp... you DO NOT want to go past the end of the ramp.
  14. If the public launch is too busy, Arney's marina also has a pretty nice launch with a small fee.
  15. Awesome fish guys! Glad to see the winning fish come out of Sodus as well as Arneys Marina! Don't be so shy over there on that end dock, stop by the tent/grill area and grab a burger sometime!
  16. Thanks hopefully there will be a few more before the season is over! [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Key lime huh? Hmmm there's always next weekend.. [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Woohoo our bw fish stayed on the board! [ Post made via Android ]
  19. The worst part is they lost their second wonderbread/dolphin fly the very next night! [ Post made via Android ]
  20. Almost forgot my fishing tip of the week.... My friend Brandon from Redneck III showed me this. I always used to randomly wrap my dipsey leaders, instead open the snap and wrap in the indent where the snap goes around and under the circle ring. When done click the snap back into place and it will hold your line in place.. No more knotted mess! [ Post made via Android ]
  21. Another great trip comes to a close.. Some great fishing and good times with family and friends. We managed to place in the loc for the fourth one in a row (we dont do spring) which we take great pride in! Maybe next year we will catch that big boy to take the big win! We'll be up to Sodus for a few more weekends...the town will be nearly empty im sure...its already beginning to go to the dogs.... Until next time, tight lines.... [ Post made via Android ]
  22. Quick review of a small store on the south side of sodus bay, Orchard View Country Market. The store has small plants, fresh produce, wine, and the best damn pies I've ever had! Highly recommend cherry, pineapple upside down, and blueberry peach. [ Post made via Android ]
  23. No fishing for us this morning, but I hear the fish are still in that 60-100fow range, up high early and then scraoe bottom for them. [ Post made via Android ]
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