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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Set up. Boat is running well. 6 rod spread out all over the place. 130fow some bait 20-40. Forgot the battery for the probe, so no temp.
  2. Had lunch at Captain Jacks today... $30 for two turkey wraps... ouch. Dinner was at Dockers, awesome meal! The seafood au gratin was to die for! Can't recommend this place enough. It isn't cheap, but food is great.
  3. If this wind keeps up, we may have to! Hopefully, it calms down enough to get out in the morning.
  4. Happy New Year! Anyone seen our dock? We can't seem to find it! Well, until it turns up, we moved out to what seems like the middle of the bay these days We hope to make our shakedown cruise either tomorrow night or Saturday. Word is brown fishing was great this spring, but we have entered the june slow down as we wait for the kings to move in. Browns should still be had in deeper water, steelies as well. We'll putz around this weekend and let everyone know what's going on. We will have live videos on the Lake Ontario facebook page as well. Just a reminder for newer folks to Sodus, there is an idle only limit in place, so no wake in the bay and within 600ft of shore. I don't want to see anyone getting a ticket!
  5. Teams signed up for the Salmon Slam: Teams signed up for Big Fish Friday 2017 Healing Waters Salmon Slam July 29th We are gearing up for this year's Healing Waters Salmon Slam. For those that have not participated before, this is a one day tournament to take wounded and disabled Veterans fishing. There is no entry fee for the tournament, other than to bring one of the Veterans we supply as part of your team. The organization we work with is Project Healing Waters which is dedicated to the physical and emotional healing of Veterans through fishing. This year's event will be on Saturday July 29th, 2017. Due to the flooding issues at Arneys, the tournament will be run out of Hughes Marina this year. Hughes has limited boat slips available, so if you plan to participate this year and want to dock at Hughes, I recommend calling and reserving a dock ASAP. They will also have plenty of room for trailer parking if you plan on trailering your boat down. If you have a dock in Sodus and want to fish the event, you still can, but will have to pick your Veteran up at Hughes by car in the morning and then bring him or her back by car after fishing, along with your catch, to weigh in. It is very important that we not have our Veterans walking on submerged docks or dangerous walkways due to the flooding. It is possible that the water levels will lower in time for the event, however, we need to make plans for the event now and are utilizing the information as we have it, hence the consolidation of the event to Hughes. The tournament rules are posted below. Tournament Timeline: Friday AM (7/28) - Big Fish Friday. This is a single salmon 50/50. The largest salmon weighed in will win 50% of the pot, with the other 50% being utilized for the Salmon Slam tournament. The cost is $50 per boat. Fishing can begin any time after 12:01AM and boats need to weigh in at Hughes Marina between 1-2PM. Friday PM (7/28) - Salmon Slam Dinner. This is a dinner held at a local restaurant that we invite the Veterans to. It is open to families, friends, Veterans... pretty much everyone. It is a good time to get together as a community and welcome our Veterans. This year's dinner will be at Docker's Restaurant on the east side of Sodus Bay. It will be $30 per person and there will be 4 meal choices (choices are being ironed out) and will come with main course, fountain beverage, salad, bread, and desert. RSVPs and meal choices will be required by July 9th. Saturday AM (7/29) - Salmon Slam Tournament. Captains must be at Hughes Marina and signed in by 6am. The Veterans will arrive and begin boarding at 6:15am. Once your Veteran is aboard and assuming the lake is manageable we will group up in the cove outside the marina for a group picture before tournament blast off. Fishing will stop at 12:30pm and teams will be required to head in to weigh in and get team pictures between 1-130 (Sodus boats will be given a 45 min extension due to the idle speed limit in Sodus Bay). There will be a BBQ and a prize ceremony for both the Captains and the Veterans. The BBQ will be free for our Captains and our Project Healing Water Veterans. Everyone else will be able to purchase tickets for the BBQ. Tickets are $11 ($6 if you are a Veteran or active duty). They are on sale now and can be bought at Hughes Marina. Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to sign up. I will keep a roster up to date on this thread. 2017 Healing Waters Salmon Slam Rules All fish must be caught legally in accordance with NYSDEC regulations. All entered fish must be caught in U.S waters of Lake Ontario All boats must leave from and return to Sodus Point or Hughes Marina NY. Vessels leaving from or returning to other ports are not eligible to participate. All boats must sign in at the registration table in Hughes parking lot and be ready for the Captain’s Meeting by 6:00 am on Saturday July 29th, 2017. Each boat will have a minimum of two participants, one of which is a tournament supplied Veteran or volunteer. Veterans will arrive by 6:15am and begin boarding their designated boats. All Hughes boats will leave out front of Hughes Marina at 6:30 a.m. and travel through the channel to the lake together, once through the channel and in the lake, there will be a quick group picture (weather depending) and at the horn boats may separate and begin fishing. Sodus boats will be assigned their Veteran(s) and drive by car back to their boats and are free to leave and begin fishing immediately. All boats must provide at least one cellular phone number at the registration table. If the lake is deemed too rough for the Salmon Slam by the tournament coordinator, prizes will be raffled off during the BBQ. (Boats may take their Veterans fishing on the lake if the Captain deems their vessel safe for the rough lake conditions and still be eligible for the raffle). Any tournament change due to weather will be made by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the event. Fishing will end at 12:30pm. Weigh in will be at Hughes Marina beginning at 1:00 p.m. and end at approximately 1:30 p.m. (or when all fish are weighed in). Participants must be in line with their fish/cooler no later than 1:30 p.m. If Sodus Bay is under idle speed constraints at the time of the tournament, they will be allocated an additional 45 minutes of travel time. Legal fish species will be any salmon and trout. All fish must meet the minimum NYSDEC size limits at the time of weigh in. Any team bringing non-legal fish to the weigh in will be immediately disqualified. Each team’s largest salmon, steelhead, brown trout, and lake trout can be used for weigh in. All fish must be brought to the weigh station in coolers. Scoring will be based on weight, 1 point per pound. In the case of a tie, each captain will enter their name into a hat and the winner will be drawn. The largest individual salmon, rainbow trout (steelhead), brown trout, and lake trout will each receive awards. All participants agree to hold Tournament Committee members, Project Healing Waters, Arneys Marina, Hughes Marina, Sponsors, their agents and volunteers harmless from any liability of any nature or kind for injuries and/or damages suffered by the participant during this event. Participants agree to grant permission to use any photographs and videos taken during the derby or awards to the Tournament Committee and any sponsors. All fish will be examined by the weigh master prior to being weighed. Any fish that has fungus or rot, freezer burns, clouded eyes, slimy gills and unresponsive flesh will be disqualified. Participants agree that all decisions of the Tournament Committee are final. No disposal of fish will be allowed at the weigh in. All fish must be removed from the weigh in property. Any participants disposing of fish at the weigh in property will be immediately disqualified from the tournament and any future events. All tournament communication should be conducted on VHF Channel 9. We promote open communication during this event in the hopes that every Veteran is able to fight a fish. In the event of Emergency or returning to port early, please call the tournament coordinator, Nick Allers, at (484) 302-1590.
  6. Thanks Rekleiner, I will keep you in mind if I cant find a 320...
  7. If anyone has a Penn 320gti collecting dust, please send me a PM. I'd like to try one fishing reefs in Florida...
  8. Just make sure to pay attention to the white "ramp end" lines at Arneys! We had to help a guy who backed the trailer off the ramp today as we saw him trying to get it back with a running start... unfortunately, we stopped him too late and he did some serious damage to his trailer.
  9. Our 2016 season is officially over. The crazy weather and terrible fishing... it is time. We pulled our boat today and will prep it for storage over the next couple of weeks. Our season recap... in summary... very few calm days this season. We had average fishing in July that turned absolutely dismal in August and September. I haven't looked back at my reports, but I do not believe I caught more than a couple of browns and a handful of steelies. We don't really target browns, but the lack of steelies were surprising. We did have bigger fish this year, after having only a couple above 20lbs in 2015. The scariest part of this season was the lack of young fish out of Sodus. I am hopeful that the fish mass stayed west this year and will return with next year's season. I will say that we had a fun tournament series this year, first with the Sodus ProAm and then Salmon Slam! The summer and fall LOCs are always fun too! We will likely get a few saltwater trips in this winter, including a King tournament in November down in Florida. That should help keep us from going nuts locked inside all winter. I hope everyone has a safe and healthy winter and we look forward to another season next year!
  10. We slept in and are hitting up breakfast with my parents prior to our long trip home. This year's vac will go down in the journal as our worst week of fishing ever, with more skunks in 7 days than we had probably in the last 3 years total. But, we still had fun!
  11. I think a lot of people have been putting in longer than normal hours trying to find a few fish and finally decided to take some time to spend off the water... at least that's my excuse
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