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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Dropped one 285 dipsey over 200fow. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Try the whole alewives and fillet them... Seemed to hold up better for me. [ Post made via Android ]
  3. I was having trouble retying my flies, so my friend Sammy showed me how to do it... Thought i'd share for anyone else that needs to retie... http://static.photobucket.com/player.sw ... 34_217.mp4 [ Post made via Android ]
  4. 2-3s but the wind was blowing hard making it tough to go any direction but east. Wife wanted to head in, but maybe if she takes a nap this afternoon I can start the boat and get out of the bay before she wakes up! [ Post made via Android ]
  5. We never even made him slow down lol. A few other guys out here had similar fish on, must be some big fish out there today. [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Just lost a monster on the 90 rigger... Was about to spool me so I hunkered down and the hook pulled... Hope I see her again during the fall derby! [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Wind is really whipping, still maeking fish down 75, but cant get em to go. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Not a mark on it, best guess is this week's upwelling killed them and yesterdays south wind blew them offshore. [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Small chromer 250 dipsey, missed a shot on 85' rigger. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. This is the dead baitfish we're seeing out in 200fow by the hundreds.. [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Nice steely free slider nbk 100' rigger. [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Lots of dead bait in 190fow. Temo down 60 in shallow, down 100 out here. [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Double... King on 300 dipsey white.. Lost one on 80 rigger area 51 spoon. [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Nice laker on 80' free slider. Small king 250 dipsey. [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Setting rods second rod out screamin! 100fow 250 dipsey green. [ Post made via Android ]
  16. We used to stay at jellystone campground. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Eh not worth the bandwidth... Hopefully tomorrows fishing will be better than tonights movie lol. [ Post made via Android ]
  18. This is a very easy answer... All fish lost are 40lbs, all fish caught are between 30-40lbs until weighed, they then lose quite a bit of water weight on the boat until weighed by a scale [ Post made via Android ]
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