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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. 250 dipsey took a quick shot. Gonna pull in a few mins...
  2. Thought we had a money steelie, but a big ol coho green nbk.
  3. Yeah I think one of our boats is down that way, but not having much luck. I still wonder where are all the 2yr olds?
  4. 300 dipsey SCREA....gone. I'm gonna start drinking...
  5. Easiest way to identify a steelie is they have dashes - instead of dots • on their tail.
  6. Nah not tonight. Tonight I was hoping to find some smaller fish and action... didn't pan out.
  7. Yeah thats what we had been doing. Mixed it up a bit tonight... bad move.
  8. Well, gave it a try out deep here, only to have a few fish caught in shallow. Been one of those weeks...
  9. Reel Dilemma is on his way in with a big steelie, good luck bud!
  10. Haha hopefully the steelies will get hungry from the dead fly chum line!
  11. Biting black flies are as bad as Ive ever seen them. We put garlic out and it is working under the hardtop, but too much wind out back.
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