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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. 110' rigger took a shot, no joy. Fleas are gettin real bad on 25lb... [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Lots of bait 70-90 ft down, but nothing wants to play. [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Went out to take a look a bit deeper... 300fow has 47' down 85' but nothin swimmin around. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. Triple, one popped off one broke off the other was 10lb king. 350 & 300 dip and 85 rigger. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Doubled, deep rigger and 225 dipsey... [ Post made via Android ]
  6. 10lb king accidently released before pic. [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Fast and furious... All little guys, except the first bite which was 2' down while setting up a mup rig... Broke us off... Little guys coming from 50' to 120' down. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Good morning everyone! We'll be up all week until after the proam. We look forward to fishing with all of you! [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Rick I totally understand. My wife always likes to pick out combos. Her spoon decisions are aweful, but her flasher/fly combos are usually amazingly productive. She picked out an orange on orange combo that his been our best producer the last few years. If nothing else, letting them pick out some whacky combos makes it more enjoyable for them and keeps them fishing with us Although, she never lets me forget that she picked out this monkey puke holographic spoon and the very next day caught this steely:
  10. Poor Rick, even the LOC videos make fun of him... check out Part 2 of the 808 derby on LOC.com if you haven't seen it already
  11. hmmm maybe I should make the run and troll the canadian border for the Sodus pro-am! That should give me about 2hrs fishing time and 8hrs travel time haha!
  12. Holy Crap 36.14 just moved into first place in the LOC! Anyone have any pics of the beast? That's a HUGE fish for this early in the season, just huge! My 3rd place fish last year was only 28lbs! Nick
  13. Whoa just saw that new loc leader, 36.14 is CRAZY big for july. I thought that 29lber would hold up! Wow, just wow. Nick
  14. See gbj92's post a few down... [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Woody fish have been weird this year, biting out deep early and shallow mid morning.... Dont be afraid to try that skinny water around 9-10am. [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Nice job guys! We're still waiting for our first high 20's king... [ Post made via Android ]
  17. woody theyre out there but you really need to work for them! [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Tcon, thats bay bridge... I avoid that place. [ Post made via Android ]
  19. Took the copper off the planer to bring in, reeled in about 100' and the 85' rigger took off, pit the copper down got the rigger rod and handed it to the wife. Started reeling in the copper and WHAM!. The copper started.screaming in my hands! Boated two nice kings...calling it a weekend. We'll be back friday for a week and a half. [ Post made via Android ]
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