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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Fish are biting all small though. Temp is up today... 56 down.90 over 240fow. Also through back a brown... Well meant to put it in the cooler and kinda missed! [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Running wire for a prolonged time will put grooves in your eyes... No problem, just dont use them for mono ever again. [ Post made via Android ]
  3. Bummer just tried to figure out why my trollmaster wasnt working (controls my kicker speed) and looks like its shot... Ill have to get a new one. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. For those with young kids there is the bay beach on sodus point. There are lifeguards on the weekend and the swim area is roped in. We like to take the dog for a swim just down the boardwalk from the beach. The bay side is often much better for swimming as the lake side is constantly plagued by algae and weeds. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. You too Rod! Found a problem with my autopilot... In rough water I used to hold onto the steering wheel... Cant do that with the AP and I keep falling off the chair in rough water lol. I think I need to install a handle. [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Ray two weeks ago you could have launched from the parking lot! The water level has dropped a good 4" since then... Im hoping it stays about where it is as it got way too shallow last year. [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Ate at one of our local favs today... Captain Jacks. The place has a pirate mixed with hunters cabin atmosphere, kids especially love it. Last year they expanded and revamped their menu and wait staff for the better. They have a decent selection of finger foods and dinner meals. Mr. Ruff Riders Reco: Buried Treasure Mrs. Ruff Riders Reco: Chicken quesadillas Food 4* Service 4* Price 4* There is also a new arcade next door for the kids... We then hit up the shop across the street called the sodus point trading post... They had a lot of touristy stuff like sodus point tshirts and little nick knacks. They also have a small ice cream shop and a ton of fudge choices. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. If your Rays observer you'll probably end up on my boat (if ray is still docking at arneys). We have a bathroom and comfy seats [ Post made via Android ]
  9. If youre using mono on your dipseys switch it out for wire! They will get much deeper. Also instead.of stacking use a fixed or free slider (take a 6' piece of line and tie a swivel on each end.. spoon goes on one end other end goes to your downrigger line... For free slider... Set your rigger rod like normal pit it down to wherever you want, them hook your free slider to the rigger line and throw the other end with the spoon in the water, it will slide ~40% of the way down... Fixed slider, set your rigger line to your release, then drop rigger ball down 10 or 20 ft. Half hitch a rubber band to your downrigger line put your cheater swivel through the band.and.around your line. Throw the cheater lure in the water and set your rigger to the desired depth. If you want I can take a video for you this afternoon... [ Post made via Android ]
  10. 375 dipsey rippin... Dropped it, felt like a real big brown... 135fow. Pulling and headed in. [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Another 20lb king.. 120' rigger. Gettin snotty out, pointing toward port. [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Rough day out here but the fish are slammin. Two 20lbers in one lost... 120' rigger is hot! This is what happens when you dont pay attention and put two cheaters on one rod.... Chicks are still in high water... [ Post made via Android ]
  13. L&M good catch! Beautiful day to be alive! [ Post made via Android ]
  14. The fishing out west is still a lot better. The fish will move east in a couple more weeks, but if youre able to trailer to wilson or oak orchard do it. [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Nice shooting! Glad to see someone found some bigger fish out there today. Were you using cut bait or a fly? See ya out there tomorrow! [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Stopped at Mills Fruit Stand down rt104. Great selection of ice cream, much better than hots point in sodus point. They also have finger food inside like burgers and chicken fingers. We bought some of their cherries as well. There is a small patch shallow sandy water in the bay, called party cove. Usually its not too busy, but its packed today. Its a good spot to anchor up and clean your boat! [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Arneys Marina, our home away from home. A great little marina run by some great folks. There are two gas stations, one up the side creek and one out on the bay. They also have a two lane launch that I find much easier than the public launch. Most importantly, they approve of fisherman. Myself and the other fisherman chipped in last year and put together a real nice cleaning station. If you're ever in town feel free to use it, but please clean thoroughly after and absolutely no gut dumping in the marina bay area or dumpsters. The marina plans to block off our fishing area and add a couple more picnic tables and a walkway sometime soon. We were hoping to watch the fireworks from the bay tonight, but there are a crazy amount of people out there for the weekend (normally sodus is a pretty quiet bay, a ghostown so far this year). [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Another double on chicks. 350 dips and 95' rigger. [ Post made via Android ]
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