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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Did you search the marketplace for a PDF viewer or maybe PDF converter? I'm at work and dont have access to my phone, but wouldn't be surprised if there was a PDF to JPEG converter. Nick
  2. Thanks Gander, unfortunately I just found out I'm going to be stuck in D.C. for work until Friday evening, so probably won't be up to the lake until Saturday Holy, was this the old SP-5 autopliot that they recalled, or the newer version SPX-5R? I'll be crossing my fingers hoping that mine has no issues! Nick
  3. Well, finally managed to get up to Sodus for a weekend. Planned on installing the new autopilot Friday and fishing Saturday and Sunday... Oh how naive! The AP is the rebuilt Raymarine SPX-5R. Step one... Remove the steering wheel... Got the nut off and.couldnt budge the wheel... Searched the net and found the trick... Have nut 1/2 way on wheel post bolt and crack it with a hammer while someone pulls... Unfortunately, most people dont use a hammer often on their boats so had to wait til sat to get one. The rest of sat was spent trying to figure out why the gps to ap connection wouldnt work... Turned out gps had to be "tracking" in order to send data, did the seatrial and autolearn and was ready to fish sunday. Sunday got a late start and setup in 40fow for browns... Hit an 8lb extremely acrobatic brown 15mins in on a.70' dipsey... Then the.browns wouldnt bite... Moved out to 75fow and the 120' dipsey started screaming... didnt last long and was gone.. guessing teenage king. We then found ourselves in the middle of a sailboat armeggedon and decided to pull and head in. Talked to a few people who said the brown bite was slow, steelie and lake bite great and kings mia. Lots of large marks in 100fow... Guessing kings.. Maybe theyll be feeding next weekend! Nick [ Post made via Android ]
  4. You guys are crazy lucky the sherrif wasnt out... I got pulled over once for going too fast through the channel trying to get in from a storm... And I wasnt even on plane! LoL Some nasty storms so far this year for sure. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. man you better start PRAYING to see ten 24lb kings show up on that board! lol Nice to see a king out of the rochester/sodus area!!!
  6. This incideht will set a precedant.. Lets just hope it sets it in the right direction. [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Rod the only person I called the last two years for fishing advice was you... And I didnt listen lol. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Ill put a target on my back... I like open comm... Not just to talk to other fisherman but to be able to talk to friends check the weather on my phone, post reports, etc. No comm wouldnt make me stop doing the proam... removing separation of pro and ams would. [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Very good point gambler! Weather is always imo the hardest thing to make rules against... Just take the waves for instance.. The proam allows for 19' boats but doesnt cancel for 6' waves... I think they leave most of the "weather safety" in the hands of the captains... I know we didnt fish the proam for just that reason until we got a bigger boat. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. That had me cracking up! What a monster! [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Oh man thats gonna be hard to beat! You are now my #1 target for the derby lol. [ Post made via Android ]
  12. Dumb question... What's the difference between these strips and the ones last year? Or is it just the skirt and twinkie that is new? [ Post made via Android ]
  13. One more thing to consider is if you release all thosr small ones it doesnt mean they all live... Especially if you didnt notice them on a line for a while. [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Nice thread and I just want to add please make sure to line up who your fish are going to after the proam.... Too many times do I see whole fish in the bays and dumpsters! [ Post made via Android ]
  15. I can almost picture you two.. "cut that $#!$ and lets go fishin!" lol. Nice report good to see some kings headed eastward! [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Lot of good thoughts here (and a troll). I dont envy anyone that runs a tournament as you will never make everyone happy! I voted to have a boundary as I liked the idea of everyone fishing the same general area... Not necessarily just the county but maybe 20 miles east/west. However people bring up a good point of having to monitor their gps being a pain... So I'd like to change my vote to no change I didnt fish the proam in Niagara, but was out there and ran in to beat the storm... I was amazed by how many captains chose to stay out, not just from the lightning but also the squal warning, but it was their decision to make and I'm ok with that. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Nice job guys... Did you have any lures down deep over that 100-200fow range? Or for that mattet mark any hooks out there? [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Nice atlantic! That would be on my wall... [ Post made via Android ]
  19. Gettin to be about that time with the fleas anyhow! [ Post made via Android ]
  20. Glad you guys had a good time! The bite was out of control at the bar, but it was hard to keep the little guys off... Not sure how some teams did it! Sorry we kept missing eachother, well have to meet up in sodus! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
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