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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. nice fish guys!!! Seems to be how our trips the past month have been... you get one shot at a big guy no more, no less. Not sure where all the big fish are. If it ever gets flat out there I'm going to run out to 600+fow and troll back in just to say finally "nope they're not out there either" lol. Nick
  2. Glad to hear you got your Pops back out!!!! btw... did you have those dipsey holders dyed to match your crocs? (sorry couldn't resist ) Nick
  3. Only fished Saturday morning this weekend and it was tough going out of Sodus. We fished from 400fow to 200fow with the best bite on a scum line in 250fow. We originally had our spread from 80'-100' and were taking skippers pretty much non-stop. We lowered our rigs looking for bigger fish and the bite went pretty dead. Temp down 100' was in the 60's. We did manage one real nice king on a 375' dipsey 1 setting with a glow frog SD and green/blue fly. We also hit a brown down deep Evereyone else I talked to couldn't find big fish either (i'm talking 10lbs or bigger). I heard of one boat that lost a screamer, but no one else with even a screamer lost. Here's to hoping the fish show up sooner or later.... Nick
  4. LongLine, As usual your ability to twist facts amazes me. The article says that the water is 95% of the fresh SURFACE water. It does NOT state it is 95% of the US water supply. http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/summary95.html This webpage from the USGS states that surface water accounts for approximately 75% of the US water supply. Hence, the great lakes supplies approximately 72% of the US water supply. Lake Ontario holds 7% of the great lakes water volume (http://www.epa.gov/greatlakes/factsheet.html), which therefor means it contains approximately only 5% of the US water supply. 5%. Your political abilities are quite impressive in manipulating people's opinions... I have neither the time nor the care to try and keep up... best wishes. Nick
  5. You guys are a small amount of the teams involved... maybe those teams that want open comm (like myself) just aren't represented on this board? PS... Rod if there was closed comms I wouldn't have been able to call you Sunday and tell you to stay the hell out of 200+fow and 10'+ rollers Nick
  6. I like to run my squids a bit further back than my flies 29" vs 21"... I like to think it gives their slimmer design a wider pattern... no clue if it's true or not Nick
  7. Read through a few pages of the other link and really just see a lot of "not in my backyard" complaints. I'm sure if they wanted to put a Nuke plant in Sodus there would be the same amount of people pitching a fit. For me, it comes down to something needs to be done and yes some things will be affected. I for one would rather see a wind farm offshore in Sodus than a coal plant. And I remember reading a while ago, that a wind farm was proposed off of Long Island, but it was met with the same reaction as this one is being met with and therefor dropped. As to the "scientific data" being provided... just about any stat can be made to fit your opinion... such as the one that states that 95% of the nations fresh water comes from the great lakes... rubbish. Nick
  8. Perhaps I'm just uneducated about the downsides to this other than "it will look ugly" or "this person profits instead of this person", or "I won't be able to fish that half mile area." Pro sides I can think of are lowering dependency on foreign oil and bringing quite a few jobs to the local area... I'm open to hearing the pro/cons though... Nick
  9. I only fish the Sodus Pro-Am, but I like the open communication. I fish out of Sodus regularly and so do a few other boats from my marina and we usually talk thoughout the day. I guess that social network is part of the fun for me. Also, two weeks ago at the pro-am I got about 5 calls asking if it was too rough for them to come out and fish.... I'd hate to have closed communications and not be able to tell them "go back to bed, the 8 footers aren't fun" Nick
  10. Am I the ONLY one that thinks this wouldn't be a bad thing? Nick
  11. Ray it really is amazing how fat those stripers get... the girth is just huge! Did you see the NY record from last year? Now THAT'S a FAT fish! Nick
  12. Rick what was the block of ice rule? Couldn't they have just taken the block out? I'm confused! Nick
  13. Chaz, beautiful fish! The first two pics don't do it justice... the pics you sent us of it in the cooler showed how nice of a fish it was! (why do people have to come on here and try to discredit a fish anyways?) Theresa's steelie last week was 37" long and only about 21lbs... it didn't have nearly the girth of that king. I'd venture to say though that a 43"/25" king will be relatively close in weight to a 40"/29" fish... but I wouldn't want Momay to stop thinking he's the only one that catches big fish Nick
  14. well i've tried to bite my tongue on this one... but i'm not so good at keeping my mouth shut. From my point of view, Tom's decision wasn't best for the fisherman of this lake... and therefore, I will not be buying any further atomik products at this time. This is all I'll say on this topic. Best of luck to Tom as I think he's a great guy... but I just don't believe his decision was made in the best interest of "you and me", or his company... emotional decisions are always bad... take my post as an example Nick
  15. The fleas were just about gone on Friday, but started to get worse with the warm water on Sat & Sunday. They should be just about over soon. Nick
  16. Yeah we kinda gave up on fishing around 6:30 and trolled with them in the "if we catch a fish great" type of mindset. We were a few miles east of the chimney bluffs when we headed in and it took an hour with waves constantly crashing over the bow. Thank GOD we bought a bigger boat last year! Nick
  17. Rod, It was a tough weekend. Fishing for browns was the smart move, but we dont' drive 5hrs up here to catch 3lb fish! The water on Sunday out in 200fow was the roughest water I've ever been in and quite honestly scared me. We headed in real early. People in shallow said they were only getting 5-6', but trust me when I say out deep there were waves 10ft+. We tried going with them, took one in the tuna door... tried going against them, took one over the roof. At one point I turned around and the wife and other teammate were sitting on the deck trying to reel a fish in... that's when I said enough. We fish these tournaments for fun. Unfortunately, in the last two years, we've only had one fun day I think our observer got some pics of the waves, hopefully they come out well as I fully plan on that being the last time I ever see waves like that! Nick
  18. Hey guys sorry for the lack of info... I was in a bit of a rush as we were prepping for the proam. The fish took a monkey puke holographic down 55' over 120fow. I tried hard to talk the wife into mounting it, but we already have a 20lb steelie from 3 years ago on the wall. Also, that fish was 37 inches... and at $12-14 per inch... ouch! Made for some damn big steelie fillets though! We thought the skinny steelie was pretty nice until we landed the monster Unfortunately, the steelies completely dissappeared for the pro-am... and they were pretty much my game plan along with a few kings. Nick
  19. God it hurts to make another one of these posts.... A rod pops ... the wife grabs it and reels down... the fish jumps a good 4ft out of the water... most amazing thing I've seen fishing the lake... The fish hit the deck at 37" and 20.5lbs. Too bad the friends we had out didn't have derby tickets Only twice this year have we taken friends out... both times we've had derby fish! Sad thing is, we had another one on immediately after that I'm pretty sure was bigger... straightened out our swivel after another amazing aerial show. Nick
  20. Haven't you guys seen "Whale Wars"? They just write RESEARCH on the side of the ships to make you think they're taking samples instead of packaging fish for Japan! Someone get out the prop foulers and let's go!!! (yes this is sarcastic) Nick
  21. "decent weather" Rod? Where the hell were YOU fishing??? Nick
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