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Posts posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Havnt posted in a long time cause honestly we havent had very many good outings in 2 years on Haywire. Dont get me wrong we have gotten a few here and there and along with Marriages and Babys it is tough to get the band all out together. But today Capt Bob (Duece) Stevens restored are faith and addiction on the Big O. I got the Biggest fish of my life and Beers probably did his biggest Salmon to. Thank you Capt Bob and cheers to making memorys.

    Sent from my VS880 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Whoa! There's no steering wheel on that boat! ;)
  2. Skip I havent had a chance to play with navigation much yet. I did get the GO7 connected to my Sportpilot AP today thanks to the help from TrophySeeker.

    The latest softwarw update was supposed to include autorouting, so from the dock I theoretically should be able to select a waypoint on the lake and start navigation and have the AP drive out to the lake.

    Sounds nice, chances of it working well... slim hahah

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