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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Well, it is here, the Healing Waters Salmon Slam!!! A lot of us have put a lot of work into the event and this year it is bigger and better than ever, helping more Veterans than ever! I am going to update as possible over the weekend, but will be pretty swamped. I plan to live stream as much as possible for BFF and the Slam on the "Salmon Slam" facebook page. It is still kinda new tech to me, so Id appreciate any feedback from folks on Friday to make it smoother for the Slam on Saturday. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/SodusBayHealingWaters/&ved=0ahUKEwjZ_pHltpbOAhWFLB4KHdjLBMsQFggnMAI&usg=AFQjCNHU3bPmlBg0SRgueqMpIhcMnZP8_Q&sig2=m6vMrY8luv1f3KK4PytyXg For a fishing status... colder water has moved into Sodus and temp is only down 70ft or so. Spoons are still the hot ticket from 100-300fow.
  2. The good news is the wind should be lighter in the morning!
  3. There are still a few folks who haven't paid for BFF yet. Just a reminder that payment needs to be in my hand or paypal before I leave the dock at 5am tomorrow in order to be qualified.
  4. My heart goes out to that Captain, been there done that! Kudos to him for doing the right thing.
  5. Well Kevin, it sounds like you're next up in the barbie rod challenge!
  6. I have been getting a few questions in preparation for Saturday's event and I wanted to provide some of the answers here in case others had the same question. For those boats fishing out of Sodus: On Saturday, if you do not have a slip at Arneys, I recommend boating over to Arneys and tying up if possible or double parking with a friend. This will allow you to quickly jump in line for the escort out to the channel. After fishing however, I highly recommend you dock back at your normal slip at whatever marina you are at and drive your Veteran and cooler to Arneys. Arneys gets very busy during the day, especially on Salmon Slam day, and it will be easier on everyone. All Captains must be to Arneys and signed in prior to 6am. Allow yourself a bit of time to sign in, grab a donut, and pick up your Captain's Pack, which contains a flag to fly from your boat prior to leaving. The quick Captain's meeting to answer any final questions will be at 6am and I'll call everyone to a huddle away from the sign in table. Once that's done, I'll start calling out Veterans to pair with the teams. Once you've met your Veteran, head to your boat and pull out into the bay just outside of Arneys. We will likely communicate with the Coast Guard on Ch16 and then switch to CH9 once we are through the pier heads. Once your boat is through the pier heads, teams are free to begin fishing. I don't want to ruin all of the surprises, but if the escort is like last year, be careful going through the chute/pier heads as it gets VERY wavy. Both ports will have Captain Packs with the Salmon Slam Lure. Every team gets the same red, white, and blue ITO fly, but with a different ProTroll dodger. The largest fish caught on the combo will win a separate prize, so make sure to record which of your fish are caught on it! This is an open communication event and it is highly recommended to share any info you have to help each boat put our Veterans on fish. In case of rough water or storms, each Captain needs to use his/her best discretion as to the safety of their vessel and passengers. If you decide to tuck into a port for a storm to pass, you can certainly return to fishing afterwards. Remember that the goal here is to show the Veterans a good time, so if the water is too rough for them, don't hesitate to fish the bay or take a cruise around the bay and explore. You will still be given a Captain ticket and a Veteran ticket for the prize raffle.... which is LOADED this year thanks to our awesome sponsors! Speaking of which, I am extremely proud of our fishing community and corporate sponsors that came through this year to make this event bigger than ever, the end result of which is enabling us to help more Veterans than we ever have before! I don't have the full Hughes Sponsor list yet, but here is the Sodus sponsors list:
  7. As final as it gets Thanks for taking care of the scoreboard again this year!
  8. Great screen from 190-150fow with big hooks down 100. I havent been keeping up with flea cleaning, so my lines are probably loaded. Pulling soon to head in anyway.
  9. Well that was epic! Nice steelie on the barbie rod! The facebook page has the live video. I'll try to get the gopro video up later this week.
  10. Well the good news is for the first time this year we are marking consistent bait here in Sodus. That should get the kings moving this way this week!
  11. Getting very bumpy from the east and it shut the fish off. Out in 230fow marking bait, no hooks. Folks in 150fow are marking hooks, but no bites either.
  12. Haha awesome!I have a feeling that if a 20lb king hits this thing, it will just implode
  13. Thanks Vince, couldn't even begin to think about an event like this without all of the Volunteers!
  14. Haha same looks as my others, just without the backbone. After catching this monster earlier, tomorrow is going to be interesting... but we have a plan
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