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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. I agree, but last I heard it shut down. We will have to see if someone else opens it back up this year.
  2. We are doing well! I am looking forward to some warmer weather and getting back up there!
  3. I think I'll take 100 degrees over 7ft waves! I'll just install a slide at the docks this year haha.
  4. Rod that is an every other year thing. This year is the flat as glass year
  5. Teams signed up for the Salmon Slam: Teams signed up for Big Fish Friday: This year's date is set, Saturday July 30th! For those who haven't been involved or are not familiar with the event, this single day tournament is utilized as a way to help wounded and disabled veterans and active duty military by bringing them out on the water and sharing our passion for fishing with them. The event is coordinated with Project Healing Waters, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and veterans through fishing education and outings. The tournament rules will be the same as last year. There is no fee to enter the tournament other than bringing one or more of our PHW assigned veterans/servicemen out on your team. There will be three divisions, salmon, steelhead, and brown trout. The single largest veteran/serviceman caught fish wins each divsion and there will be separate prizes for Veterans and Captains. Also, each Veteran will be registered for the Summer LOC, so all teams previously registered for the summer LOC, will still be qualified with their Veteran on board. Big things are happening this year! We have reached max capacity at Arneys and there are others looking to join, so we are holding the slam at two locations this year; Arneys and Hughes Marina. Same date, same format. We are still working on the details, but this should allow us to take additional boats this year and hence additional Veterans. Please just let me know which port you will be fishing out of when signing up. We will of course all get together at Dockers Restaurant for dinner the night before for those that would like to come out and celebrate a night early and meet some of our Veterans. The cost is $30 per person and choice of Tavern steak, chicken parmesan, or haddock. Each meal includes a salad, bread, soda/coffee, desert, plus tax and tip. There will be a Big Fish Friday on 7/29, you do not have to fish this in order to fish the Salmon Slam, but if you want a chance at taking some of your fellow Captain's money, it's a lot of fun. It is $50 per boat and the payout is 50/50 with the other half going to the event. Big Fish Friday Rules: $50 per boat with 50% going to the winner of largest salmon and 50% to the Salmon Slam for wounded and disabled Veterans and Servicemen. You can begin fishing anytime after 12:01 AM and from any port, but must weigh in at Arneys Marina by 2PM. You do not need to participate in the Salmon Slam to fish BFF. Payment must be received by Thursday July 28th. You can send me a check by mail (message me for my address), drop it off at my boat at Arneys Marina, or paypal me at [email protected]. If using paypal, please make sure to include your boat name in the comments and send me a message to let me know you paid. 2016 Sodus Bay Healing Waters (SBHW) Salmon Slam Rules All fish must be caught legally in accordance with NYSDEC regulations. All entered fish must be caught in U.S waters of Lake Ontario All boats must leave from and return to Sodus Point or Hughes Marina NY. Vessels leaving from or returning to other ports are not eligible to participate. All boats must sign in at the registration table in Arneys/Hughes parking lot by 6:00 am on Saturday July 30th, 2016. Each boat will have a minimum of two participants, one of which is a tournament supplied Veteran or volunteer. Veterans will arrive by 6:15am and begin boarding their designated boats. All boats will leave out front of Arneys/Hughes Marina at 6:30 a.m. and travel through the channel to the lake together, once through the channel and in the lake, boats may separate and begin fishing. All boats must provide at least one cellular phone number at the registration table. If the lake is deemed too rough for the Salmon Slam by the tournament coordinator, prizes will be raffled off to teams who take the veterans fishing in the bay for bass, perch, etc. or for a cruise of the bay. (Boats may take their Veterans fishing on the lake if the Captain deems their vessel safe for the rough lake conditions and still be eligible for the raffle). Any tournament change due to weather will be made by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the event. Fishing will end at 12:30pm. Weigh in will be at Arney’s/Hughes Marina beginning at 1:00 p.m. and end at approximately 1:30 p.m. (or when all fish are weighed in). Participants must be in line with their fish/cooler no later than 1:30 p.m. Legal fish species will be any salmon and trout. All fish must meet the minimum NYSDEC size limits at the time of weigh in. Any team bringing non-legal fish to the weigh in will be immediately disqualified. Each team’s largest salmon, steelhead, and brown trout can be used for weigh in. All fish must be brought to the weigh station in coolers. Scoring will be based on weight, 1 point per pound. In the case of a tie, each captain will enter their name into a hat and the winner will be drawn. The largest individual salmon, rainbow trout (steelhead) and brown trout will each receive awards. Additional prizes will be given to Captains and Veterans by raffle: Each team’s single largest fish weighed in will receive raffle tickets based upon weight: 0-9 lbs = 1 ticket 10-29 lbs = 2 tickets 30+ lbs = 3 tickets [*]All participants agree to hold Tournament Committee members, Project Healing Waters, Arneys Marina, Hughes Marina, Sponsors, their agents and volunteers harmless from any liability of any nature or kind for injuries and/or damages suffered by the participant during this event. [*]Participants agree to grant permission to use any photographs and videos taken during the derby or awards to the Tournament Committee and any sponsors. [*]All fish will be examined by the weigh master prior to being weighed. Any fish that has fungus or rot, freezer burns, clouded eyes, slimy gills and unresponsive flesh will be disqualified. [*]Participants agree that all decisions of the Tournament Committee are final. [*]No disposal of fish will be allowed at the weigh in. All fish must be removed from the weigh in property. Any participants disposing of fish at the weigh in property will be immediately disqualified from the tournament and any future events. [*]All tournament communication should be conducted on VHF Channel 9. [*]We promote open communication during this event in the hopes that every Veteran is able to fight a fish. [*]In the event of Emergency or returning to port early, please call the tournament coordinator, Nick Allers, at (484) 302-1590.
  6. Ruff Rider is headed in for the season. Good luck to everyone as they finish out their seasons and have a happy, healthy, and safe offseason! We will see everyone next year...
  7. One last short trip this morning before we pull the boat for the season. Word has it a few fish are being taken in 130fow, but still slow.
  8. Glad to see you will be fishing the next few weeks with us! I just hope the water level stays up as that tends to be what ends our season early every year... especially last year!
  9. I wondered why my wife kept asking me yesterday and this morning who Michelle was! 😨
  10. If there are black dashes (-) throughout the tail it is a steelie... easiest way to tell in my opinion.
  11. Thanks Eric! All in all, this year's fall fishing vacation was the best weather we have had in our 10+ years of fishing for a week of the Fall LOC, however it was by far and bar none the worst fishing. Am I worried, yes. Do I know the cause, no. All I can do is hope next year is better. We did catch enough fish to fill my parent's freezer, so mission accomplished there, but we fished longer hours and more days than ever before to make it happen. Even scarier is this is the first year ever we haven't caught a fish over 25lbs and only two fish over 20lbs back in mid July. If this is your first year fishing the lake, don't give up. If you struggled this year and think you are doing something wrong, don't give up. There is a lot of bait out there and if we can manage a mild winter, we may see much better fishing next year!
  12. Well, tried lowering the outdrive at the dock this morning, no luck. Don from Viking was a great guy and helped us get the trailer and pull the boat. The speedometer tube was hanging and I couldnt get it back in, but we will deal with that during winterization. I had Theresa raise the outdrive to see if anything was jammed, nothing. So she started lowering it to see where it stopped... and nothing... the damn thing worked perfectly! We tried it a few more times and adjusted the up/out limiter for the upcoming low water and put her back in the water. I ran her at the dock for a while and all seems fine. We will try her out next weekend and hope this was just a momentary issue due to the guts blocking the intake and then the outdrive sticking due to the ezsteer bar. Thank you everyone for your support and offers of help! Btw, fishing was slow again today for others, but cohos and steelies are showing up, along with some two year olds. Fishing should pick up with more action and smaller size now... which I personally prefer when not LOC fishing!
  13. Thanks Roy. Jack is wondering if maybe our trim limiter got dorked up somehow with the pressure from the ezsteer bar. We will keep our fingers crossed.
  14. And just like that, the Ruff Rider season is likely over. My family stopped by and wanted to go for a quick bay cruise. I had to dump our gut bucket anyways, so I said sure. There were a lot of people so I dumped off the swim platform and the guts must have gotten sucked in. Solid engine alarm and temp spike. Shut her down. Lifted the outdrive into trailer mode and forgot I had the kicker up, bent the ez steer bar badly. Hopped in the water to see if anything was lodged, couldnt find anything. Had Theresa lower the outdrive, wouldn't go. Took the ezsteer off, still no luck. Called Chaz (Indecisive) and he came and towed us in. At dock, I was able to lower the outdrive halfway by standing on it. I'm guessing I may have bent an outdrive piston, but I will have to pull the boat tomorrow to get a better look. I did start the engine once I got the outdrive down and put it in gear for a minute, no alarm, so hopefully I can get it the 500yds to the ramp tomorrow to pull it and see what's going on. Life is always an adventure. Again a huge thank you to Chaz for towing us back to dock tonight.
  15. Captain Wayne on Green Dolphin (Reel Stout Charters) put us on some fish today. We dropped the two big guys, but had a blast. The sangria slushies certainly helped!
  16. Pulling and headed in with a nice box! Wishing we had seen the spooler for a LOC contender!
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