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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Damn dropped it while taking the inline off. Orange spoon.
  2. 120 rigger screamin as soon as we put it back down!
  3. Almost spooled and put the boat in neutral, spit the hook
  4. Another coho. This cold water must have brought them in heavy.
  5. Theresa landed a nice coho, which then sprayed her from boob to toe with blood!
  6. Let's go fishing! Aboard the 39ft Green Dolphin this morning with Wayne, Ellie, and Sodus Point Sammy!
  7. No The battery needed to be switched and I got lazy. I would have loved to have replayed that along with the coast guard boarding.We did get the bat from the other day along with me dropping a dodger/fly overboard and getting it back! Ill post that sooner or later.
  8. It was all over the place... 50deg down 50 in 90fow, 50deg down 75 in 175fow.
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