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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. A few work work telecoms and other job related tasks. I had plans to do some cleaning of the boat and rod wrapping to ruffify the new rod we bought, but relaxing and watching some tv won out. Breakfast at Nick's Diner was a nice break also
  2. Reports coming in are that the lake has calmed down and fishing is terrible. A few bites early in 130fow and 80fow, but pretty dead out there.
  3. I forgot to post we went to the Sodus Farmer's Market yesterday. It is every Wednesday from 230-6. They had a decent variety and we made some great peppers onion and sausage.
  4. A bit warm out there? Water temp was moving deep, assuming it is back down on bottom now.
  5. Temp is dropping like a rock. This morning was 50deg down 60ft. Now it is 60deg down 85.
  6. Storm front coming through in the morning, maybe that will help turn the fish on! Two boats I talked to that went out tonight, one did two kings in 130fow, the other never moved a rod. Kinda how the story has been all week.
  7. Les it was a pleasure meeting you today! Sorry I didn't talk longer, but after being in the sun all day, all I wanted to do was crawl into the boat and bask in the AC!
  8. Troll between 2.5mph and 3mph on your GPS and you will be fine 90% of the time. If running spoons, aim for 2.8-3mph. If dodgers, 2.5-2.8mph. There are times where the current is strong, but this is close enough a majority of the time.
  9. Thanks everyone. We reversed the cable this afternoon with the help of Mudflat and Half Wired. Time to start saving my pennies...
  10. I thought I read the breaking issue was early on and they changed something to prevent that?
  11. I think it is time to try the torpedo wire... This cable was brand new a couple of weeks ago.
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