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  1. Yes there will be a Big Fish Friday the day before the Salmon Slam. You can fish either, or both. Big Fish Friday will be $50 per boat and single biggest king wins. You can fish any port, but must weigh in at Arneys. I'll list formal details as we get closer.
  2. Salmon Slam Teams: BFF Teams: Hi everyone! Just a quick note to let everyone know that we will be holding the 4th annual 2015 Sodus Bay Healing Waters Salmon Slam on Saturday August 1st! Last year's event was bigger than ever and I hope this year will be even better. Project Healing Waters and the Veterans and Service men and women are ready to get back out on the water! For those who haven't been involved or are not familiar with the event, this single day tournament is utilized as a way to help wounded and disabled veterans and active duty military by bringing them out on the water and sharing our passion for fishing with them. Here are a couple of quick videos from the past events: The event is coordinated with Project Healing Waters which is a non-profit organization dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and veterans through fishing education and outings. The tournament rules will be the same as last year. There is no fee to enter the tournament other than bringing one or more of our veterans/servicemen out on your team. There will be three divisions, salmon, steelhead, and brown trout. The single largest veteran/serviceman caught fish wins each divsion and there will be separate prizes for veterans and captains. The tournament is held out of Arneys Marina in Sodus Point, NY. You do not need to be docked there, but you will need to pick up your veterans/servicemen there. If you'd like to dock there for the day/weekend call in advance, as slips run out quickly! There will be a free barbecue after the tournament as well! I'd like to start with opening up registration to 20 boats. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email, IM, or phone. Those looking to donate items for the event or volunteer your time to make this event more amazing than last year, please contact me! A link to the 2014 event discussion: http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/44642-2014-sodus-bay-healing-waters-salmon-slam-saturday-aug-2nd/?hl=%22salmon+slam%22 A link to the 2013 event discussion: http://www.lakeontar...gust-3rd/page-1 A link to the 2012 event discussion: http://www.lakeontar...l=+salmon +slam There will also be a Big Fish Friday on Friday July 31st. The rules are simple: $50 per boat to enter, fish anytime beginning 12:01AM Friday and be to the weigh in at Arney's Marina by 2:00PM. You can fish out of any port you would like, but have to weigh in by 2PM at Arneys. Payment can be made via paypal ([email protected]) or to me in person and must be made prior to 5AM on Friday. The single largest fish will win half the pot, with the other half going to the Salmon Slam. This year's Salmon Slam rules will be the same as last year. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask! All fish must be caught legally in accordance with NYSDEC regulations. All entered fish must be caught in U.S waters of Lake Ontario All boats must leave from and return to Sodus Point, NY. Vessels leaving from or returning to other ports are not eligible to participate. All boats must sign in at the registration table in Arneys parking lot by 6:00 am on Saturday August 1st, 2015. Each boat will have a minimum of two participants, one of which is a tournament supplied veteran or volunteer. Veterans will arrive at 6:15am and begin boarding their designated boats. All boats will leave out front of Arneys Marina at 6:30 a.m. and travel through the channel to the lake together, once through the channel and in the lake, boats may separate and begin fishing. All boats must provide at least one cellular phone number at the registration table. If the lake is deemed too rough for the Salmon Slam by the tournament coordinator, prizes will be raffled off to teams who take the veterans fishing in the bay for bass, perch, etc. (Boats may take their veterans fishing on the lake if the captain deems their vessel safe for the rough lake conditions and still be eligible for the raffle). Any tournament change due to weather will be made by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the event. Fishing will end at 12:30pm. Weigh in will be at Arney’s Marina beginning at 1:00 p.m. and end at approximately 1:30 p.m. (or when all fish are weighed in). Participants must be in line with their fish/cooler no later than 1:30 p.m. Legal fish species will be any salmon and trout, except for lake trout which must be a minimum length of 30 inches. All fish must meet the minimum NYSDEC size limits at the time of weigh in. Any team bringing non-legal fish to the weigh in will be immediately disqualified. The largest salmon, steelhead, and brown trout can be used for weigh in. All fish must be brought to the weigh station in coolers. Scoring will be based on weight, 1 point per pound. In the case of a tie, each captain will enter their name into a hat and the winner will be drawn. The largest individual salmon, rainbow trout (steelhead) and brown trout will each receive awards. Each teams single largest fish weighed in will receive raffle tickets based upon weight: 0-9 lbs = 1 ticket 10-29 lbs = 2 tickets 30+ lbs = 3 tickets All participants agree to hold Tournament Committee members, Project Healing Waters, Arneys Marina, Sponsors, their agents and volunteers harmless from any liability of any nature or kind for injuries and/or damages suffered by the participant during this event. Participants agree to grant permission to use any photographs and videos taken during the derby or awards to the Tournament Committee and any sponsors. All fish will be examined by the weigh master prior to being weighed. Any fish that has fungus or rot, freezer burns, clouded eyes, slimy gills and unresponsive flesh will be disqualified. Participants agree that all decisions of the Tournament Committee are final. No disposal of fish will be allowed at the weigh in. All fish must be removed from the weigh in property. Any participants disposing of fish at the weigh in property will be immediately disqualified from the tournament and any future events. All tournament communication should be conducted on VHF Channel 9. We promote open communication during this event in the hopes that every Veteran is able to fight a fish. In the event of Emergency or returning to port early, please call the tournament coordinator, Nick Allers, at (484) 302-1590. Big Fish Friday Rules: $50 per boat with 50% going to the winner of largest salmon and 50% to the Salmon Slam for wounded and disabled Veterans and Servicemen. You can begin fishing anytime after 12:01 AM and from any port, but must weigh in at Arneys Marina by 2PM. You do not need to participate in the Salmon Slam to fish BFF. Payment must be received by Thursday July 30th. You can send me a check by mail (message me for my address), drop it off at my boat at Arneys Marina, or paypal me at [email protected]. If using paypal, please make sure to include your boat name in the comments and send me a message to let me know you paid.
  3. Yes! They were brutal in Sodus. Sent from my SM-T320 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Launched Ruff Rider this morning! Family commitments will keep us from fishing for a couple of weeks. The water is still pretty low, especially for spring. Our boat is sitting on bottom as I type this. After a few ins and outs, we will hopefully have a divot. The small deli on Rt 14 reopened this year, which will be good for some subs to pack for lunch! The Franklin House also reopened after it was rumored they may not. Abes Waterfront was sold and is now The Warehouse. Our first meal there was very good, hooefully they can keep it up once the busy season starts. Nick's Diner continues to be the best bang for your buck in Sodus and we had a delicious breakfast there this morning. The boat ran well. We took a ride out to the lake and it was flat as glass. Hopefully, there will be many days similar to that this year! Good luck to everyone getting out there, be safe, and we will see you all soon! Nick & Theresa & Tavion
  5. The person who bought our 28' chris craft years ago tried towing it home with an undersized ball and it came unhooked on I95 and was totalled... it happens, especially when people try to cut corners. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Haha go ahead Jason, they will smell even worse on your boat the following week! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. For me, the forecast is too dire to justify the six hour drive. I think our season might be over, unless next weekend is beautiful.
  8. I put together a video of the action of some of the lures we use most often and how they act underwater. I should have placed them closer to the camera, but I was afraid less than three feet away would damper the action.
  9. Hmm perhaps in my next 20...It can be hard for some people to understand others have different wants, needs, and opinions than themselves.
  10. Agreed Tom, but even at 50%, there are a LOT of fish out there
  11. I read an article years ago that recommended keeping the smaller fish... hear me out.... First item it said was they taste better. Second, it said that young salmon are feeding machines... thinning them out allows the older salmon to feed better and build the fat they will need to run the river and spawn. Now with the amount of bait we have this year, perhaps that isn't as large of an issue. Third, keeping large fish reduces the amount of fish spawning and therefore natural reproduction, which is believed to contribute more to the fishery than originally thought. All of that being said... if you are really afraid of people hurting the fishery by keeping fish each day... head to the Altmar hatchery in October. Unless this year is different, you will see thousands of fish and perhaps begin to understand a bit of the true magnitude and numbers of fish the lake holds. I fish more than many and less than some, perhaps 16 weekends a year and average at most 3 trips per weekend... 48 trips overall. Let's pretend I'm a fabulous fisherman and catch my limit every trip along with Theresa... that's 48x6= 288 fish caught. Even if we pretend there are 1,000 other fishermen that fish that much and limit every trip... that's only 288,000 fish. The DEC stocks over 3 MILLION fish each year!!! And that doesn't take into account natural reproduction. Lastly, the legal size limit is 15", period. People a lot smarter than you or I make that number and that's the law whether you approve of it or not. To give someone a hard time for keeping a legal fish that they paid their hard earned money for on a license, not to mention gear, boat, gas, etc is completely and utterly distasteful. If you choose not to keep small fish, big fish, dark fish, or no fish, that is your legal right, just as it is the legal right of someone to keep three 15" salmon if they so choose.
  12. I had mine out yesterday and had three hits and then slowed down. I took it off thinking it was affecting the bite, never took another shot. I did paint mine flat black. It will affect your hits in that you need to put the lure about two feet away in order to see it, and some fish get spooked that close to the ball.
  13. Oh in the steelie photo... havent used it in years. When I first bought the boat, we tried a center rigger.. it tangled constantly. We have dreams of finding a grill we can mount to it... maybe one day.
  14. Well it was a heck of a day and a great way to end our vacation. We didn't get the LOC winner, but we sure had a lot of fun trying! I'll try to get some more videos up this week...
  15. Huh! You're right! I guess that just goes to show that they will work either way! That fly was slim to begin with, but it seemed to work just fine!
  16. Here's the Pohonche Apple Picker, which apparently was a wee bit too close to bottom...
  17. Small king on the main froggie spoon. Big king was on the free sliding green dolphin, WAY high. One more loop out here
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