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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Just to give you an idea of how well those transderm patches work... going against hard 3fters...
  2. What a mess. Rigger screamed... On it, reel down, big king launches himself out of the water and goes NUTS! Screams to one side of the boat and under the dipseys, then to the other side under the dipseys and at the front of the boat and then under CRAP! Tried getting him back out from under and the main spoon snags the trolling bag... #$@!$!! I can see she's a real big girl and yell to Theresa to grab the rod. I pull up the bag and started to get the hook out and she took off, SNAP! There goes my swivel SHE'S RIGHT THERE! Theresa yells and I look back to see a massive king laying sideways just behind our swim platform. I grab the net from Theresa but she was just too far away. We slam it in neutral hoping to drift back to her, but she's drifting too fast. We start pulling lines and turning using the gulls as a marker... but couldnt find her again Then the 220 dipsey started rippin...
  3. Yeah we spent way too much time in shallow as well. Today we will be forced to stay shallow.
  4. South wind is HOWLING! Going to try to hug shore and fish shallow... may not last long.
  5. Fishing has died. No bait, no hooks, lots of people complaining haha. Going to pull and head in.
  6. Another nice steelie. Need to troll towards the chute now to get Kirsten (Hairy Bee) in in time for work.
  7. Got to try the new Abu reel on that steelie! It isn't in the same league as my Tekotas, but not bad for the price point. Theresa did manage to pull back on the reel handle and nearly freespool, so we will need to be careful there.
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