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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. We were in 400fow when it heated up. The good news is there is a lot of green water out there!
  2. One ten lb king free sliding purple spoon on 120 rigger. Lost the other on 600 copper. Took a shot on a 375 dipsey also. Friend is sick, headed in.
  3. Rick you've got me drooling over those steelies... love me some steel!
  4. Headed up to the lake now and hoping the weatherman is wrong! Wind and wave forecast for this weekend does NOT look good. But c'mon I've got two friends coming up to fish with me and it's the start of the Fall LOC Derby, we have to fish!!! I have a feeling it will be a good weekend for Theresa to stay at the dock and hang out with friends! I warned my friends they may want to get transderm patches... I'm not sure they listened... but no worries, I won't be as mean as Rick (Yankee Troller) and post videos of them puking overboard! Ok, maybe I will hahaha. Good luck everyone fishing the LOC this weekend and be SAFE! Nick
  5. Well here's a picture of one of the steelies we caught this weekend and the size of the alewife it had eaten. We couldnt believe it actually scarfed something so large down! Yet I never seem to have much luck on mag spoons, go figure!
  6. Yeah would be a great couple of days to go offshore! Hopefully this moves some green water in as well!
  7. Back at dock, the teams lined up and began weighing their fish and crossing their fingers that their fish would be big enough to take home a trophy that day! Our barbecue was also in full swing as the teams waited to weigh-in and the food donated by R.F.H’s Hide-A-ay restaurant was being gobbled up quickly by our hungry anglers. Nearly every team managed to catch a few fish during the tournament and everyone was grinning from ear to ear while taking their team photos. Team Stress Reliever boated the largest fish on the ITO SBHW Salmon Slam fly and took home a nice ProTroll dodger pack. Team Reel Outlaw won 1st Place Brown Trout for the second year in a row. Team Apple Boy took 1st Place Salmon Our big winner, Team SoSaarie took 1st place in the Steelhead division and also won the Grand Prize Tournament trophies with their 23lb Chinook salmon! Once the trophies and top prizes were handed out, every Veteran and Captain was entered into prize drawings for the great donations many of our sponsors provided. We could not have asked for better weather this weekend and we certainly could not have had more worthy guests. With over 100 fishermen, 30 Veterans, and countless volunteers, this year’s tournament more than doubled our inaugural event held just two years ago. I’d like to personally thank everyone who has helped to make this event possible. We could not do it without all of your support and generosity. I hope to see many of you next year, so please mark your calendars for Saturday August 1st, 2015 for our fourth annual Sodus Bay Healing Waters Salmon Slam!
  8. 2014 Aug 1 On Friday, August 1st 2014, twenty-two teams participated in our Big Fish Friday (BFF) 50/50 event to benefit the Sodus Bay Healing Waters Salmon Slam tournament that would be held the following day. The BFF event cost $50 per boat and the team that caught the largest salmon or trout would walk away with 50% of the entry fees, while the other 50% would go towards supporting the Salmon Slam event on Saturday. At 6am, we left the dock on the Ruff Rider team and were greeted with a flat calm lake and sunny skies. We were catching salmon and steelhead pretty consistently, but struggled to find any of the big bruisers we were looking for. We managed to pull in one mid-teens king on a Dreamweaver gator spin doctor pulling a green ITO fly over 140 feet of water. Our fish was good enough for 4th place. Team Predator took an early lead with a 21lb Chinook Salmon. Team Fishin Magician then took a commanding lead with their 24.5lb Chinook Salmon and we thought we may have found our winner. However, Team Roll With It was able to beat Fishin Magician’s catch of the day. Roll With It squeaked out a narrow win with a 24.8lb Chinook Salmon and went home with the $550 prize! The Big Fish Friday event was followed by our Salmon Slam Dinner. The dinner is a chance for our boat Captains to meet some of the Veterans, Servicemen, and Project Healing Waters Coordinators that they will be fishing with the following day. This year’s dinner was held at Abe’s Waterfront in Sodus Point, NY. Over 62 in total, Captains and their families, Veterans, and Volunteers, joined us for prime rib, chicken french, and all of the fixings. After dinner, the Veterans were able to walk across the street to the Sodus Point Lodge where they would spend the night in anticipation for the Salmon Slam tournament in the morning. 8/2/2014 Salmon Slam We awoke in the morning and began to prepare for the Salmon Slam tournament. The Veterans and Captains were registered and each received a gift bag containing items donated by our many generous sponsors. Within each gift bag there was also one special fly. It was an ITO SBHW Salmon Slam fly and each boat received an identical copy. The biggest fish caught on this fly during the tournament would win a special prize. The Veterans joined their Captains and boarded the boats. Everyone gathered in the bay, where to their surprise, the Sodus Point Coast Guard, Sodus Point Sherriff, Sodus Point Fire, and North Rose Fire boats were waiting to provide an honorary escort out to the lake! It was a stunning morning, with the type of hazy sunrise that can only be seen over Sodus Bay. We lined up behind the escort boats and all 25 tournament boats began to head through the bay towards the lake. Once we were through the pier heads, the escort boats peeled off to each side and the tournament boats took off at full speed to seek our their fishing areas. Teams began setting their lines and it didn’t take very long for the first of many fish to start coming aboard! The VHF radio came alive with boats calling out to other boats that they were catching fish: where, how deep, and on what lures. You see, the Salmon Slam isn’t like many other tournaments where communication is shunned and fish catching secrets are held between tight lips… the Captains in the Salmon Slam understand this tournament is about teamwork and getting our Veterans hooked into some fish! Excited calls on the radio came out with teams catching Chinook Salmon, Brown Trout, Steelhead Trout, Lake Trout, and even a rare Atlantic Salmon came aboard the Ruff Rider boat! The Ruff Rider team also picked up one stowaway, which sneaked aboard on the side of a Chinook Salmon… a lamprey! Dave’s Chinook Salmon aboard Team Ruff Rider was big enough for a 4th place finish. Team Green Dolphin’s Veteran is shown holding one of the beautiful Steelhead Trout he boated. After a fun day of fishing, on a flat as glass lake, the tournament teams returned to port for the weigh-in ceremony.
  9. Back at dock, the teams lined up and began weighing their fish and crossing their fingers that their fish would be big enough to take home a trophy that day! Our barbecue was also in full swing as the teams waited to weigh-in and the food donated by R.F.H’s Hide-A-ay restaurant was being gobbled up quickly by our hungry anglers. Nearly every team managed to catch a few fish during the tournament and everyone was grinning from ear to ear while taking their team photos. Team Stress Reliever boated the largest fish on the ITO SBHW Salmon Slam fly and took home a nice ProTroll dodger pack. Team Reel Outlaw won 1st Place Brown Trout for the second year in a row. Team Apple Boy took 1st Place Salmon Our big winner, Team SoSaarie took 1st place in the Steelhead division and also won the Grand Prize Tournament trophies with their 23lb Chinook salmon! Once the trophies and top prizes were handed out, every Veteran and Captain was entered into prize drawings for the great donations many of our sponsors provided. We could not have asked for better weather this weekend and we certainly could not have had more worthy guests. With over 100 fishermen, 30 Veterans, and countless volunteers, this year’s tournament more than doubled our inaugural event held just two years ago. I’d like to personally thank everyone who has helped to make this event possible. We could not do it without all of your support and generosity. I hope to see many of you next year, so please mark your calendars for Saturday August 1st, 2015 for our fourth annual Sodus Bay Healing Waters Salmon Slam!
  10. 2014 Aug 1 On Friday, August 1st 2014, twenty-two teams participated in our Big Fish Friday (BFF) 50/50 event to benefit the Sodus Bay Healing Waters Salmon Slam tournament that would be held the following day. The BFF event cost $50 per boat and the team that caught the largest salmon or trout would walk away with 50% of the entry fees, while the other 50% would go towards supporting the Salmon Slam event on Saturday. At 6am, we left the dock on the Ruff Rider team and were greeted with a flat calm lake and sunny skies. We were catching salmon and steelhead pretty consistently, but struggled to find any of the big bruisers we were looking for. We managed to pull in one mid-teens king on a Dreamweaver gator spin doctor pulling a green ITO fly over 140 feet of water. Our fish was good enough for 4th place. Team Predator took an early lead with a 21lb Chinook Salmon. Team Fishin Magician then took a commanding lead with their 24.5lb Chinook Salmon and we thought we may have found our winner. However, Team Roll With It was able to beat Fishin Magician’s catch of the day. Roll With It squeaked out a narrow win with a 24.8lb Chinook Salmon and went home with the $550 prize! The Big Fish Friday event was followed by our Salmon Slam Dinner. The dinner is a chance for our boat Captains to meet some of the Veterans, Servicemen, and Project Healing Waters Coordinators that they will be fishing with the following day. This year’s dinner was held at Abe’s Waterfront in Sodus Point, NY. Over 62 in total, Captains and their families, Veterans, and Volunteers, joined us for prime rib, chicken french, and all of the fixings. After dinner, the Veterans were able to walk across the street to the Sodus Point Lodge where they would spend the night in anticipation for the Salmon Slam tournament in the morning. 8/2/2014 Salmon Slam We awoke in the morning and began to prepare for the Salmon Slam tournament. The Veterans and Captains were registered and each received a gift bag containing items donated by our many generous sponsors. Within each gift bag there was also one special fly. It was an ITO SBHW Salmon Slam fly and each boat received an identical copy. The biggest fish caught on this fly during the tournament would win a special prize. The Veterans joined their Captains and boarded the boats. Everyone gathered in the bay, where to their surprise, the Sodus Point Coast Guard, Sodus Point Sherriff, Sodus Point Fire, and North Rose Fire boats were waiting to provide an honorary escort out to the lake! It was a stunning morning, with the type of hazy sunrise that can only be seen over Sodus Bay. We lined up behind the escort boats and all 25 tournament boats began to head through the bay towards the lake. Once we were through the pier heads, the escort boats peeled off to each side and the tournament boats took off at full speed to seek our their fishing areas. Teams began setting their lines and it didn’t take very long for the first of many fish to start coming aboard! The VHF radio came alive with boats calling out to other boats that they were catching fish: where, how deep, and on what lures. You see, the Salmon Slam isn’t like many other tournaments where communication is shunned and fish catching secrets are held between tight lips… the Captains in the Salmon Slam understand this tournament is about teamwork and getting our Veterans hooked into some fish! Excited calls on the radio came out with teams catching Chinook Salmon, Brown Trout, Steelhead Trout, Lake Trout, and even a rare Atlantic Salmon came aboard the Ruff Rider boat! The Ruff Rider team also picked up one stowaway, which sneaked aboard on the side of a Chinook Salmon… a lamprey! Dave’s Chinook Salmon aboard Team Ruff Rider was big enough for a 4th place finish. Team Green Dolphin’s Veteran is shown holding one of the beautiful Steelhead Trout he boated. After a fun day of fishing, on a flat as glass lake, the tournament teams returned to port for the weigh-in ceremony.
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