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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Hey Shaye, I use a gopro for my video. I may need to try a stealthier approach this weekend to see if it makes a difference...
  2. They may not feed on phytoplankton, but they do feed on the zooplankton... perhaps it somehow upsets the balance in the lake. I know when I grew phytoplankton and rotifiers for fish breeding, there was a very delicate balance. Without enough rotifiers, the phyto would explode in growth, then crash in a matter of days.
  3. So as I lay here unable to sleep, a new thought has begun to formulate in my brain... While my buddy John was reeling the king in today and I was standing on the swim platform waiting to net it, I was amazed by how clear the water was and that I could see the fish nearly twenty feet down. This clear water was reaffirmed when we reeled our dipseys in and I could see there flash much deeper than normal. So here's my hypothesis... Every year we get a large outbreak of water fleas. These large populations normally crash after an upwelling. This year they have been worse than I can ever remember and for longer than I remember. My thought is they are filtering the water to an above normal clarity. This is putting an extra spook on the fish both from increased light penetration and boat traffic. When the fleas start to disappear (seemed they were finally starting to die off this weekend) and the plankton has a few days to recover, fishing will return to normal for August.
  4. Nice report! Glad to see some fish being taken on the Salmon Slam fly as well!!!
  5. Ummm.... hmmm... ummm... what was the question again? I was doing pretty good until a tray full of brownies showed up at my boat!
  6. Yeah it's worth a try! Much better than hots point and closer than Mills Farm.
  7. There's a new ice cream parlor in Sodus Point, right where Ridge Rd hit Rt14, Centro's Brain Freeze. Theresa and I hit it up on the way home today. It was pretty good with some different flavors from the Perrys everyone else in the 10 mile radius sells. It looks like they also have coffees and will soon have some bulk candy. We got the Fishermans Fly Fudge, which was vanilla ice cream with fudge swirls, m&ms, and cookie dough. I also got a scoop of mint chocolate chip in mine. The chocolate dipped waffle cone was excellent!
  8. Yeah it has been a weird year! My head is killin me, too much sun I guess. Be careful out there folks!
  9. We prefer to listen for drag screamin... no time for those little guys haha
  10. The fish are here, lots of marks. My best guess is there is so much bait they dont want our lures.
  11. Possible, we trolled in to about 80fow yesterday and saw bait but no fish.
  12. Crazy bad fishing this weekend. Screen has gone pretty blank... depressing
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