Down-rigging is a very simple way to control the depth of the lure you're presenting. The lure is attached to the cable with a release( cheapest being MuskyBob's biodegradable rubber bands) that will allow the angler to pull it off with the pole or a fish by striking the lure. A lead weight is used to pull the cable down and there should be a counter on the downrigger to indicate the depth. That's it. What-ever pole or lures you're use to running give them a try, watch how they run in water at the speed you are trolling if they have a good action that you think will produce, send em down, keep the line from going slack as you set it, tighten it a little more when it's at the depth you want. Try adding a cheater too, a piece of line about 8' long with a spoon on one end and a snap swivel on the other, once your main line is set reach out and grab the line and connect the snap swivel (crosslocks preferred) then toss out the lure. It will run at the bow in the line, that gives you 4 lures in the water and will increase your chance for success. Really not hard to do once you try and at your advanced age and AARP status you will find it easier on your arthritis to troll. Just kiddin' I'm at the speed limit too.