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Posts posted by chinook35

  1. You want to see messed up counters......I run braid.....:lol:.....If I tell ya I'm going at 55' I can guarantee it aint 55'. 

    You can calibrate ( on paper) your counters with any rigger or cable. Have boat in neutral ( drifting ). Let out a certain # of feet of cable and check your counter against your sonar ( be sure rigger cable is straight down )

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  2. Well to get back to the start of this thread, where are the returning salmon?  My credentials is that I worked in DEC fisheries for 35 years and fished Great Lakes steelhead and salmon since the mid 70's. I started in Michigan tribs but found the jewel of the Great Lakes called Salmon River.  I was on the river 25-30 weekends between Labor Day and the spring ESLO at the end of april. My lake fishing was just to fill in in my off season. Then the resident landowner screwed up the right to fish navigable waters. About the same time as DEC and Ontario cut stocking numbers and the catch dropped. I got spoiled with the reduced numbers of fish and rarely walk the streams any more. I'm left to just lake fishing the lake now.  Its Oct 1st the peak of the salmon run isn't until around Columbus Day.  Salmon will run earlier though if there is a rise in water levels ( August if they had a tube race) not primarily water temp. We had that on Salmon River with daily raising and lowering of water releases for hydroelectric generation. Then they messed that up with a constant slightly higher than low flow.  With the great salmon catch this year in the lake runs in the streams will come.  We have not had rains enough raise stream levels so not many fish are in the tribs. but with salmon changing biologically to spawn they will run soon regardless of water levels. As for Vinnie I fished with him before he had a boat and still fish with him.  He is the most fine tuned fisherman in details and observations.  Listen to him.

    Talk about bringing back memories. The Rhinegold fire dept sponsored field days and tube races. Rode the river many times both as a registered team member and a pirate. Almost drowned in the black hole one year Don’t know where that raft of tubes came from , but it saved my life Been fishing the lake since the mid 70’s and one thing is for sure. It is a different fishery now than 40 years ago Some bad some very good

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  3. Well if you count a successful fishery by the number of fishery present on the piers and streams, go back to the snagging days. The anti snag groups ended up with the fishery and the non boating fellows were the losers along with the business people.

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    Lmao. I wish they would bring snagging back for just a week. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen. We would stand on the bridges and watch these guys , most of them drunk , snag a fish , cross 20 or 30 lines , fall down in the river , fights all over. Fishing ? Not so much

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  4. 2002 Venture Boat Trailer 23'to26'  6500 size with 15" wheels. Used once every year going 175 round trip to Lake Ontario. Tandem axles, with 1 set of electric brakes on one axle.
    $1750  for trailer 2 5/16 coupler, Galv.  unit   Transom went on boat now in bone yard 6 foot under!!1   Nice shape never had the torcher test put on it!!! 

    Interested. 22 ft SeaNymph fit ? Where is trailer located ?

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  5. Hi Chinook 35,
    I have a used Octopus type R  drive that I took off of my boat last year that I will sell if it fits your boat. The only reason that I removed it from my boat is because I bought a 15hp kicker and have power assist steering on the boat so I switched to hydraulic steering. The drive has only 2 seasons on it for about a total of 120 hours and works perfectly. Feel free to call me with any questions. 585-260-2282( Shawn)

    Thanks for the offer. I would be very interested. According to the Octopus website. I need a different drive for 1983-1993 mercruiser

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  6. Storms can and do sneak up on you I was out of Sandy Pond with my 12 year old son some years ago. The eastern sky suddenly went dark as night. Constant lightening We would have had to run directly into it to get back to the inlet. The rods in their rod holders suddenly started buzzing and crackling I told my son to put on his pfd as did myself. Told him no matter what don’t touch the rods. Put down the vhf antenna. In hindsight , I wonder about that decision. If we needed to call a mayday . But it was a high point on the boat. Anyway. We sat there 15 miles from shore and watched nervously. The storm came off the east shore and went directly north. Never reached us sigh of relief The neighbors called in cell to see if we were ok. Sandy Island Beach Rd.got 3 inches of rain out of it. They can sneak up on you. Not a fun experience

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  7. Thanks for the replies. The situation was such that turning to starboard didn't seem like an option at the time. I probably waited too long to make that move. I definitely acknowledge that I was giveway. The radio was undoubtedly the answer. There wasn't any sort of confrontation involved. I think we both sped up at the same time and then tried slowing at the same time and then ran out of time. With no worries about long lines the situation never happens. In trying to be considerate of his lines, I probably made the wrong choice.

    That’s exactly why long lines have no place when the traffic is heavy. Leave them in the boat Or be prepared to lose tackle. It is not possible to allow 600 + ft of clearance when there are other boats in the equation

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  8. No, negative to you chinook. This is right from the NYS boating course.........
    "Any vessel overtaking any other vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. The overtaking is always the give-way vessel and the vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel.

    This rule applies even if the overtaking vessel is propelled by wind, oars, or rubber band paddlewheel.Any vessel overtaking any other vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. The overtaking is always the give-way vessel and the vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel."

    Sent from my SM-S727VL using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    I stand corrected. You are right. The overtaking vessel is give way , no matter the propulsion

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  9. But if the sailboat is the overtaking vessel he must give way.  Overtaking...rule 13

    A recreational vessel , under power , fishing or not , must give way to a vessel under sail 100% of the time

     Restricted ability to maneuver is meant for vessels that can’t leave a channel without risk of grounding it does not mean you can’t maneuver due to lines in the water or fish on you must give way to any vessel under sail


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  10. looking at the law zinger put up rules of the road I believe fishing vessel is a fishing trawler like you would find in the ocean or possibly a commercial netter
    the rec fisherman or even a charter boat (6 pack license) is not considered a fishing vessel. (trying to remember from when I had my license back in 85) maybe some of the captains can chime in.
    If this is true you can see why the courses are needed (never liked the blow boating crowd)

    This is correct. A recreational fishing boat , including charters , is NOT considered a vessel engaged in fishing That is restricted to commercial fishing boats A recreational fishing boat is just like any other vessel on the water and is subject to the rules of the road.

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