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Everything posted by chinook35

  1. Cannon has stopped making the SNT. When ours die or go to visit Davie Jones , we will have to find a differnt brand to sacrifice to the fish gods .
  2. I've been running the SNT and Roemer together for at least 5 years and never had a problem. I always thought the wimpy 135# cable that Cannon supplied was a weak point. The second year of owning the SNT I bought a spool of 150# Mason coated cable from Stamina and have breathed a little easier ever since. I reterminate every year at the start of the salmon fishing season and scrape off a new spot for the contact point of the probe, I also crimp on a ring connector (electrical) for the safety wire so it can't just slide off the cable if I loose a ball. Been running 12 - 13 # weights exclusively .There must have been a crimp in the cable and you just happened to put your Roemer over it. I guess none of us have to worry about replacing a SNT probe. The SNT has gone the way of the dinosaur.
  3. Any reports on availability of cut bait on Lake O ? I see a company on Lake M making claims they will have it available this year ,but I'll belive it when I see it.
  4. I have a Garmin GPSMAP 76 in excellent condition . It has all the Garmin accessories, soft case, pc cable, 12 volt adapter, marine swivel mount and is loaded with bluechart americas (eastern lake ontario and st. lawrence river). I have over $450 invested , will take $175 or BO. email me at [email protected]. I am in the Watertown area.
  5. There is a proposal to raise license fees in NY. Resident fishing will be $29, non resident fishing will be $70. According to NY outdoor news the salmon/trout stamp is a dead issue. But the license increases make up for it and then some.
  6. I found a petition on another website to ask the DEC for a three rod per person limit on LO. It was (according to the other website) started by longline on LOU. I have been unable to find the link on this site. I think the webmaster should move it to a permanent location on the South Shore site so everyone can get onboard this movement. This is legislation that is long overdue.
  7. I am surprised that BPS or any retailer would replace a reel that has been in service for 7 months. The warranty is from the manufacturer and not the retailer. Your course of action should have been to contact the manufacturer and get a return authorization to have a defective reel repaired/replaced. I think that it speaks well of BPS that they replaced this reel.
  8. I wondered about the accuracy of the depth feature on the SNT. So on a slow afternoon I did some experimenting. I let out several lengths of cable and checked the depths on the SNT, downrigger counter and sonar. At every depth the readings were the same on all the scales. I believe that the depths shown on MY SNT are accurate. That may or may not be true of other units. The SNT , when it works is a great tool, I hope Cannon can iron out the bugs. i also tested the temp unit against the German made hand held and temps were all within a few tenths of a degree of each other down to 100 FOW.
  9. Anyone have any info on the Cannon SNT? I got an Email from Cabela's listing the SNT for $100.00 off. Someone from another site stated that Cannon was going to stop making the SNT. I finally have one that works, if I lose a probe I guess I'll have to look elsewhere for a unit. I really like the true depth given by this unit. It is a real eye opener when you see how much cable you need to put out to actually reach the depth you want. I used to use a chart that I found that gave the depth reached with cable played out and angle of cable. Guess if the SNT is gone , I'll have to dig it out.
  10. Why don't you like moth balls? I have used them for years and have never had problems with critters , 4,6 or 8 legged. The smell goes away quickly when the cover is removed and boat is allowed to air out.
  11. You can bet I have made several copies of this correspondence to carry with me . Untill I get a different answer from someone higher up, this is the policy I am going with!!
  12. I was very concerned about the legality of making my own cut bait. This answer from the DEC seems to be iron clad. The bait after brining is considered "preserved" , which puts it in a different catagory. If anyone has any questions, the person that contacted me with this info is: Lt. Mike O'hara NYS Dept. of Environmental Cons. Div. of Law Enforcement 8th Floor 625 Broadway Albany NY 12233 Email [email protected]
  13. I am a happy fisherman again. I just received an answer from the DEC concerning my using cut bait I make from fish I bought at the fish market. According to the DEC brining and freezing these fish for use as cut bait on Lake Ontario is perfectly legal as they are considered preserved. And they don't have to be certified. Back in the cut bait fishing business!!!
  14. I am surprised by your lack of success with cut bait. I have used cut bait and twinkie rigs for 15 years and I can tell you it works. I even tie my own teaser cut bait rigs. The lack of cut bait availability has seriously hampered my fishing program. I have a high degree of confidence in cut bait. I have all the other options as well flies,dodgers,squids, too many spoons,j-plugs etc. , but I like fishing with meat. I hope Rhys Davis can get things straightened out with the DEC and bring their product back. It looks like in the new regs that they may be able to brine their bait and make it saleable in NY. I hope so.
  15. The new fishing regs. are about to take effect on Oct. 1. It looks like we are still going to have problems with cut bait. My experiments with fish from the super market are probably at an end as the fish are not listrd in the "acceptable" list. Oh well, back to the drawing board.The new regs can be seen at www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/34113.html
  16. This whole cut bait fiasco has me scratching my head. The DEC banned Rhys Davis cut bait in NY waters but it is still being used in Canadian waters, I hope the virus if it is indeed present in the bait,respects the International border! Why can't the DEC with all it's wonderful(and expensive) equipment test a few samples of Rhys Davis and then we will know for sure. I am having a very hard time blaming a frozen herring. What about all the ships coming in the seaway dumping thousands of gallons of untreated water into the great lakes, how about the round goby, a known carrier of the disease. No one at state seems to want to point a finger in the direction of the seaway. Too much money involved! Lets just go after the fishing population and blame it on the untested bait.DEC, either prove the cut bait is to blame or lift the ban!!! Maybe you could ban the goby, that would be something i could get behind.You people at state wonder why fishing license sales are down, go look in the mirror!
  17. Just a quick update. The SEI sterndrive I purchased to replace my Alpha 1 is performing beyond my hopes. I have run the boat at WOT (4400) for as much as 25 minutes with no issues. It performs as well or better than the Mercruiser it replaced.
  18. Been using the SNT since they came out. I have had lots of issues,but I finally got one that works. I still have to use a wet towel wraped around the rigger boom and antenna to use below 100'. Cannon can't give me a reason why this, works but it does.
  19. I hope you have as much luck with SEI as I have had. I am past break in hours with no problems at all. This company has re-established my faith in the marine industry.
  20. Before you invest any more money in your old sterndrives,check out Stern Drive Engineering Inc. I replaced my Alpha 1 last year with one of this company's replacements and have been very satisfied. They sell a new,not rebuilt ,sterndrive for less than Mercruiser's rebuilts.
  21. I hope someone buys the right to make this excellent release. How about it Cannon or Scotty???
  22. The suction pump seems to get all the old oil out (or as much as possible) . The new oil looks clean after running engine for a few minutes to check for leaks and rechecking level. Getting to most drain plugs looks like a major pain to me.
  23. The oil is sucked out through the dipstick tube. There are all kinds of suction devices out there,both manual and electric.
  24. Finally got over 10 hours on the new sterndrive. Has worked flawlessly. Quiet and smooth. Top speed is the same as with Alpha I. I would recommend this company to anyone who needs to replace their Mercruiser sterndrive. The SEI sterndrive is a new unit that sells for less than half the price of Mercury's rebuilt.
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