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Steve Cuddeback

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Everything posted by Steve Cuddeback

  1. Ray, Is the blue/green hypnotist you are talking about for Cohos the standard fly or the small coho fly? I love to catch cohos but I seldom target them. Most of my catch is incidental to fishing for kings Thank you
  2. Thank you everyone for your assistance. It looks likeI will be getting the DR. The consistant speed and the new way to connect the probe have convinced me. I fish out of Wilson, so if you are in the area give me a shout on the VHF.
  3. I lost several probes due to the cable breaking. Maybe, with this modified connection I would not have this problem. The other issue is if you cross riggers the coating is torn off. Is the speed alot more consistent with the DR?
  4. Thank you everyone for your help. I have called fishhawk on several occasions and have yet to get a return call. When you saw the unit at the Triple S show did they indicate when it might be available? What are the advantages that the depth raider has over the fishhawk? I really hate the coated cable, this is the reason I am interested in the new fishhawk. If the advantages are overwelming then I will live with the coated cable.
  5. Bob, Northern King has some cowbells that are like the old luhr jensen cowbells which are dynamite. I fish out of Wilson and the watermelon bells with a chartrease and orange peanut 30 inches back is awesome. Find the lakers on the bottom and put this rig about 8 ft. behind the ball and run the ball tight to the bottom and troll 1.8-2.2 mph and hang on because you will catch alot of lakers.
  6. I have owned a fishhawk for 10 years and I really like that it does not use coated cable. I purchased a used Baha 286 sportfish this winter and I am outfitting it. Fishhawk is suppose to come out with a newly designed unit early this spring but I cannot get any info. on when it will be available. The marina where I purchased the boat is installing all my equipment. The question is should I wait for the fishhawk or get the depth raider? I had a Moor subtroll years ago but I hated the coated cable and lost several probes because the cable broke. Any help would be appreciated Steve Cuddeback Wilson, NY
  7. I am outfitting a 28 ft. Baha and I am contemplating on what unit to buy. I have been using a fishhawk for years and I am disapointed in the quality of the sending units. They always end up leaking. Also, the speed jumps all over the place. I am tossed between the Cannon and the Depth raider. Thank you, Steve C.
  8. This is the first year I am running the small flashers and dodgers for cohos. What length should I run between the flasher and the small cheddar flies? The small protroll I bought recommends 18-20 inches but I think this is too long. Thank you, Steve Cuddeback
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