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Everything posted by Persistence

  1. The Sandy Creek Pren-rearing Project will be pen-rearing approximately 7500 Steelhead in 2007. In the past we have pen-reared Chinooks, however, due to the water temperature spikes we experience, we have backed off pen-rearing Chinooks. The feeling was that we did not want to put 50,000 Chinooks at risk. The Steelhead seem to do better and we are pleased with the product we are releasing into the fishery. The option is there for us to add Chinooks again but we feel the Steelhead option is our best course. Sandy receives 100,000 direct stock Chinooks, which in the past were split between Altmar and Caladonia. Due to the recent VHS concern the Chinooks will come from Altmar only. Sandy also receives 15,000 Steelhead which we split into pen-rearing and direct stocking. In the Fall, Sandy receives 25,000 direct stocked Coho. In my previous posting, I failed to mention that anyone wishing to volunteer to assist us in this project is welcome to join us at the meeting. It is a great way for you and your family to have some fun watching the fish attack those food pellets. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] Tight Lines Capt. Pat Pullinzi East Fork Charters
  2. Just a quick note for those of you that are involved with the Sandy Creek Pen-rearing Project, there will be a volunteer meeting on March 17th, 1:30pm at the Hamlin Town Hall. Scott and Hans: that is a great fish! I hope it is on the wall.....
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