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Everything posted by Persistence

  1. Set of NK 2D size Lures Asking $20.00 for the set. Please call 585-507-3001 or PM
  2. Set of Honey Bee Lures of Various sizes Asking $25.00 USD for the set. Add $3.00 USD for shipping Please call 585-507-3001 or PM
  3. Stellar 20x50 Binoculars Includes: Hard Case 20x50 Binoculars All Caps and Straps Like New Condition Asking $50.00 Please call 585-507-3001 ask for Pat or send PM
  4. 2010 Martin Hawk Compond Bow for Sale Package includes: Bow, 5 Arrow Quiver, Drop away arrow rest, 5 pin TruGlo Sight, Peep Sight, Stabilizer, Release, New String in 2013, 16 Gold Tip Devastator arrows cut for a 29" Draw, Arrows are 4 fletched and Plano Hard Case Bow is trimmed in camo Like new condition Bow Specs.: Brace Height 7" Axle to Axle 30" Draw Length 25' to 30" Draw Weight 40lbs. to 70lbs. IBO Speed 315fps to 320fps Weight 3.4 lbs. Let Off 80% Asking $150.00 for all Please call 585-507-3001. Ask for Pat or send a PM
  5. Guys, we all have our feelings concerning our legislators knowledge and /or understanding of honest gun owners and our position on The Safe Act Legislation. A non-insulting personal email to your area representative is the best way to let them know your position. Talk from data not from emotion. We can all share our thoughts on this topic but we need to let them know individually. I have been in contact with Assemblyman Steven Hawley who is at the forefront of legislation to overturn The Safe Act.Contact your legislators.
  6. Evinrude 5.5hp Short Shaft Outboard with Tank For Sale. Tank is new this year and Ethanol compatible. Motor is in good condition. Asking $100.00 USD Please call 507-3001 ask for Pat
  7. On behalf of the Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Project I would like to say thank you to the Shoot Out Committee ( Rob,Keith and Scott and anyone else I may have missed) for again including the project as the recipient of the 50/50 donation to the project. The donation will allow to purchase the material for new pen frames, nets and associated hardware.
  8. Guys, I just would like to say that I have fished with Jerry in many Pro Am's over the years and I have seen him work hard in every tournament but this past weekend was exceptional. He was totally focused and worked the plan to perfection.
  9. Ray,don't get too excited. I only moved up to a KAYAK!!!
  10. Scott,just trying to reduce some of the lures I have and make room in the basement!!! These have never seen water.
  11. 24 NK 28's For Sale Assorted colors Asking $50.00 USD for All Not including shipping Send PM
  12. 4 Andy Reeker Spoons for Sale Asking $10.00USD for all Not including shipping Send PM
  13. 9 Assorted Flutter Spoons 1 #44 size Daredevil 4 #71 size Sutton 1 #08 size Sutton 3 #88 size Acme Asking $20.00 USD for all Not including shipping Call 585-507-3001 or send PM
  14. Water Wheeler Pedal Boat for Sale 4 Person Pedal Boat Measures 92" Long X 64" Wide Great Condition Asking $75.00 USD Pick Up Only Buying as Is Call 507-3001 or Send PM
  15. Just a quick note to let everyone who launches out of Sandy that the docks are in at the state launch.
  16. Jolly II, feel free to come down and help. All are welcome
  17. Just a quick note to all Sandy Creek Pen Rearing Volunteers that today we will be moving the pens from storage to the marina. Anyone wishing to participate we will be bringing the pens to the marina at 4:30pm.I will check the marina before I leave for the storage location. Thanks Pat
  18. Big E, thanks for the post. Everyone needs to be diligent when using E-10 to protect their investment in their boats, vehicles or whatever equipment they are using.
  19. Sean,great job!!! Nice looking fish.
  20. 20 Pro King Spoons for Sale 3 1/2" and 3" size Asking $30.00 USD for all Not including shipping call 585-507-3001 or send PM
  21. 18 Northport Nailer Spoons for Sale Asking $30.00 USD For All Not including Shippping Call 585-507-3001 or Send PM
  22. 20 Andy Reeker and 6 Alpena Diamond Spoons for Sale 3 1/5", 2 1/2" and 2" Sizes Asking $40.00 USD for All Shipping not included Please call 585-507-3001 or send PM
  23. 15 NK 4D Spoons for sale Asking $25.00 USD for all Not including shipping Call 585-507-3001 Ask for Pat or send PM
  24. Martin Firehawk Compound Bow For Sale 50-70 lb. Draw Weight 26-30 Draw Length Included Accessories: Whisker Biscuit Arrow Rest 5 Pin Tru Glo Site Peep Site 5 Arrow Capacity Quiver Stabilizer String Loop Kisser Button String Stop Purchased bow new in Sept. of 2010 Used One Season Like New Condition Asking $400.00 USD Shipping not included This bow lists for over $500.00 with out accessories. Please call 585-507-3001 Ask for Pat or send PM
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