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line guy

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About line guy

  • Birthday 06/01/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    rochester /spencerport henderson
  • Interests
  • Home Port
    on trailer
  • Boat Name
    sea nymph 19.5 gls 1989

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  1. Kevin, from the pics I don't think you guess much. 😀 Thanks for the info.
  2. Any info on areas or depth to be looking for some perch. Not looking for your hot spots. Back of bays ?main channels?Going to be up around swan bay this weekend?
  3. Good to know, there's a poker run also. I figured I would stay away from Clayton launch. Enjoy the weekend cheers 🍻
  4. Any info on condition, water level, parking. 20ft IO searay. Have not been there in years. Thanks
  5. Got it thanks, 👍
  6. Location? Oneida,henderson, lake, need a bit more info? Heading to henderson with family any general area to start? Not specific spots I know it's top secret 😉
  7. hdi skimmer med/high new in box never used. purchased to upgrade . Went with different set up.
  8. What is the pattern for walleyes this time of year? Water temp seems cold,just 60dgr. Have they moved out to the deeper basins?
  9. Where are you located?
  10. Can you just buy the head unit of a lowrance? I have a new spare transducer and looking to get a touch screen and larger screen. Any suggestion?
  11. How do these things work?
  12. Missing a latch. 50.00
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