So probably 30 to 50 times a year I get customers ask me if these fish are safe to eat. I look at them and start laughing, because most of them have a cig or a beer or both in their hands. What? they say, what's so damn funny???? I say I have never heard of anyone dying from eating fish unlike tobacco and alcohol where how many die everyday. They usually say you got a point there. Then I go on to explain to them that they grind the whole fish up for study. I remember back in the early to mid eighties cornell did a study from properly fillets of brown, laker, salmon. They came back with most of our drinking water was more contaminated then the fish. They also said there was more contaminates in a jar of peanut butter. I kept that paper work on my boat for the longest time. I would love to have somebody find that study again. Me, if it runs, swims, or flies I hunt it and eat it.