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Posts posted by brucehookedup

  1. Thanx for your info. Thanks scott, but if I had your money I would burn mine. No nils, too much for what little I would be using it. I got a 1yr old 6" lazer lined up for 70$. I will call motion, he probably has a dozen spares. I went to keuka  sunday and got the fork fever.

  2. The event be held at the point pleasant fire dept. This is right off of 590 north heading towards i-bay. The more the merrier. We would love to have a bunch of tables with tackle from who ever and where ever. Good time to meet some people , maybe a few new genesee charter members as well. You do not have to be a captain to join. Poplar craft you are 45 minutes away.

  3. So probably 30 to 50 times a year I get customers ask me if these fish are safe to eat. I look at them and start laughing, because most of them have a cig or a beer or both in their hands. What? they say, what's so damn funny???? I say I have never heard of anyone dying from eating fish unlike tobacco and alcohol where how many die everyday. They usually say you got a point there. Then I go on to explain to them that they grind the whole fish up for study. I remember back in the early to mid eighties cornell did a study from properly fillets of brown, laker, salmon. They came back with most of our drinking water was more contaminated then the fish. They also said there was more contaminates in a jar of peanut butter. I kept that paper work on my boat for the longest time. I would love to have somebody find that study again. Me, if it runs, swims, or flies I hunt it and eat it.

  4. Last spring right on through till the end of june was by far the BEST salmon fishing I can remember in the Rochester area. I am going to back to 1977 when I first got my feet wet. I can also say that last year L.O. had the most ice cover I have seen. I can only hope this year does the same. Bait might suffer a little but we will never feel the impact.

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