Rochester salmon has slowed down since the bait has moved out to a more favorable zone for them. They are there, just not chewing as well with all of the bait around. The rest of the salmonoids are still biting. Steelhead action, and quality has been fantastic. That will be hard to find the prime water with the recent warmup.
Good deal, once again rochester is still the most consistent port on the lake. We are kicking butt from 4/1 till now, and it is still getting better. The class of steeelhead is superior. The kings are getting fatter. Can't wait to pick on the bt's again.
You make up a 5 to 7ft leader with a swivel on one end a snap on the other. Clip the snap on your main line once the rigger is 6 to 10 ft down, let the rigger go to your depth. That is a free slider. That will find a belly in your line usually half way between your rod tip and rigger depth. The deeper your rigger the deeper your slider. Many days this time of year that is what the fish like. Sink the rig and get the slider hits. Fixed (cheater) slider set your rig in the water 6ft put a rubber band on your cable. Then take your snap end and run that through your main line and the rubber band, done. Notice when your cheater hits the water on the rig counter. You can then adjust to separate them 10, 15, 20 ft or what ever. One more way is use alligator clips with rubber on them. Set your rig, go down 5 ft put the clip on your main line, put your slider on. Now it can only come up so far as the alligator clip. You do lose those once in a while, they are cheap. Reach up and grab it on the way in to the boat. Hope this helps. Just few ways to make it happen.
The bait is minimal at the genny so far, something I don't remember in years past. Sodus, Wilson, olcott are loaded, beyond past numbers. Why? We will never know. There has been many small wigglys (salmon)caught around my port this year. Are they wild? I believe so. There has not been numbers and size of salmon I am seeing here in Rochester since I started in 1976. Numbers of salmon and trout couldn't hurt us. Bring it on.