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Everything posted by brucehookedup

  1. No power divers sorry. I will try to get some pics soon.
  2. The rods and reels have all been sold to a happy fisherman. I do have 2 shimano triton extra heavy 8 ft rods for sale, 20$ each. Still have over 200+ spring stickbaits, NKs 28s and mags. Call steve 585-362-7034
  3. The rods are 8ft 2" long. They have the best action of the many fishing poles i have used. Original price was in the 80 plus range.
  4. The nets i have listed have been sold. I still cant beleive that the rods and reel combos have not been sold. You cant even buy a shimano reel for the deal on a combo.
  5. The reels are shimano triton gt 200 high speed.
  6. I also have 2 salmon nets for sale as well, i forgot to list them.
  7. We need to see the turbines that exploded and threw parts for hundreds of feet, the ice that was tossed off the blades that traveled over 2000 feet. Lets not forget all 200+ gallons of oil that is spewed everywhere. Thats what we need. NOT!!!!!
  8. The evil eyes have been sold. The rod and reel combo price is 70$ per. If you take all of them the price is 60$ per, or 660$ for all. These rods and reels are in mint condition. Everything is going very cheap. Please call steve at 585-362-7034
  9. I have 11 fenwick DR82C fenglass rods, 10 shimano triton GT high speed reels, 200 stick baits of all variations (aprox 200). Evil eyes 3f, 4f sizes all variations (200 aprox), NK 28s and Mags (aprox 150 of each). J-plugs #3s and #4s 15 of each new and 50 of the #3 used and 75 of the#4s used. Dodgers 0 and 00, 30 of these, plus 50 flies and squids. Everything will go at a very reasonable price, must sell. Please call steve at 585-362 7034.
  10. I want to hear some thoughts about the best goose shells out in the field. I want ease of carrying, set up, looks, and durability.
  11. What, my word wasnt good enough?
  12. Carl Paladino is in. Lets hope this new blood helps us all on the water and land. Keep voting!
  13. Hey tom, my buddy was just asking me if i knew any lefties with a bow for sale. Call me tomorrow or ill call you.
  14. Try working some big lipped deep diver plugs in bright colors. The fish were a little deeper than normal monday. Good luck
  15. I have a scotty boom rod holder that fits all scotty riggers with a 3/4 to a 1 inch boom. It adjusts up and down. 20$ will take it. 585 750 3164
  16. I will take a loss and sell all three for 155$ apeice and no less.
  17. Nobody likes these reels?
  18. Vinny, come on, i would not leave all those fish for you with out poking holes in them. I almost took the early retirement the state offered us, but the penalty was not worth it. Sorry, i guess i will be (part time) for another few years. Oh, the diver set ups i have, i have doubles of. And yes i still love my catalinas for wires. (i can hear the clickers)
  19. I would strongly suggest a down speed and temp unit. The subtroll 900 is the least expensive with the most reliability. Call me if you want to know more. Bruce 585-750-3164
  20. Jack Call me me back if you want these.
  21. Tom, you will never see what p-man is using in his program. Right vinny?
  22. I have 3 Diawa saltist model 30LCHA reels for sale. They are loaded with 30lb big game with 20lb flouro leader. I personally used these reels for one month, they are brand new with the box as well. I would sell these at 160$ apiece. They are 189$ in most stores without hte line on. Call bruce 585-750-3164
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