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    Rochester, NY
  • Interests
    LO and FL trout/salmon

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  1. https://www.facebook.com/seagermarineinc/posts/pfbid0Pp6Sk6tX3VAAcYgmN2BqEJizJsdmMBy4VVVj4LSgXbWmTv4V6ZoiL2qRhHR243bPl
  2. Nice write-up.... https://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2024/10/b-ville-anglers-9-lb-smallmouth-bass-obliterates-ny-state-record.html
  3. No personal knowledge, but give them a call... 315 789-3094
  4. The DEC will continue sea lamprey control in Seneca Lake this year, with additional treatment scheduled for October 16 and 17: https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2024/10/11/dec-to-continue-sea-lamprey-control-in-seneca-lake/
  5. Have you seen this article in the Conservationist magazine: "Revealing Seneca Lake's Hidden Secrets", page23, https://cloud.3dissue.com/129417/129610/151833/NYSConsMagAprMay24/index.html The two leaders of the Seneca Lake Bathymetry Project (see article, Art Cohn and Tom Manley) might be able to provide some info/answers.
  6. First identifier from your pic (for me) were the white leadng edges of the pelvic and anal fins => coho.
  7. This may be the tourney being referenced in the above question: https://www.venisondonation.com/event/venison-donation-pantry-project-family-fishing-derby/ Since this was a fund raising, "family" style event, published results may not be forthcoming.
  8. https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2024/09/08/dec-begins-forage-fish-monitoring-on-canandaigua-lake-this-week/
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  9. Just noting that the type of lithium battery you're promoting are not used in "everything" at this time...
  10. E-Bike Battery Explosion Sparks Fire at Cayuga Inn... https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2024/08/21/e-bike-battery-explosion-sparks-fire-at-cayuga-inn/
  11. https://www.tricountyindependent.com/story/sports/outdoors/2024/08/01/are-there-atlantic-salmon-in-lake-erie-fish-and-boat-commission-fishing-trout-walleye/74616057007/
  12. After the recent adjustment, the webcam is back to providing a valuable real-time indication of lake conditions in that area
  13. 12.35 lbs... https://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/2024/07/cayuga-lake-largemouth-bass-obliterates-new-york-state-record.html
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