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About kayakshoe

  • Birthday 02/10/1962

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  • Location
    Keuka Lake
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  1. There is a boat launch at Vine Valley. It's free. It might be a problem for larger boats when the water level drops.
  2. So last night I am floating over dozens of nice perch. I was hitting them on the head with little jigs, spinners, rapala's. Nothing worked. Any ideas on what I should try?
  3. Anyone that is putting a boat in this time of year has earned the right to some inside information. It isn't like some knucklehead that wades up a trib because he heard the fish were bitting on a fishing forum.
  4. The LL was on the surface? I fished hard on Sunday and didn't have any luck. The water is still cold. There was actually a thin section of ice on the lake wed or thurs morning.
  5. I saw someone Smelting at Keuka lake State Park last night. I don't know how successful they were but the lights stuck around for quite a while.
  6. This ice is breaking up as I type. Lots of muddy water from the run off. The water level has gone up a foot since yesterday. Spring fishing will be starting soon! I'm right across from the State Park boat launch if anyone wants to fish.
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