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Everything posted by dgio67

  1. IBAY 4/2 Got out about 7:30. Saw 8 or 9 boats out today. Water temp was 39 everywhere. Went 3-3 on browns. Biggest was around 6. One dock is in at the launch. We did see a pretty big tree floating half way between shipbuilders and Webster Pier. Other than forgetting the down riggers it was a good first trip. Boat ran good and was a nice day out there.
  2. Ibay should be open. No idea if it is loaded up with perch but should be able to get out.
  3. All good. He asked about regulations so I wanted to clarify. I have been stopped a lot for guys drinking on the boat. As long as I was good never had any isssues.
  4. It was my boat and he was not driving. Just went along for the ride is all. I was not drinking and was fishing. This was on Seneca Lake.
  5. i was checked by DEC couple years ago. I was fishing my buddy was not. I was casting he was drinking beer. Per DEC he did not need a license for that.
  6. I am generally the guy that is goes out real early from IBAY. There will be a ton of ice and wood in the water along with a lot of other random stuff floating around. Normally first couple week only get cookie cutter browns. Think the bigger browns hand in the Bay or in the creek for a while over there. Going to wait an extra week as well. Got my butt kicked enough in early spring.
  7. turkeys circling a dead cat -- anyone? Can anyone explain this? I have seen some strange things in the woods, but never have i seen something like this. https://www.yahoo.com/news/turkeys-ritualistically-circling-dead-cat-164016371.html
  8. Nice fish. Are you fishing out of a Lund? Looks like a Rebel.
  9. someone is out of IBAY today looks nice out there. can see him on the camera. got to be 100 times better than being inside at work. http://web.live.weatherbug.com/LiveCameras/1/LiveCameras.aspx?no_cookie_zip=14618&no_cookie_stat=MCQUI&no_cookie_world_stat=&zcode=Z4655&camera_group=1&camera_zip=14618&animate=1&enlarge=1&camera_id=WBSTR&lid=CENANT
  10. congrats on Buck. Good job sticking with it.
  11. at least you saw BUCK in the woods. had to work all week. Hopefully this weekend with rifle or muzzle will pay off. At this point I am hoping a see a doe in muzzle to fill the freezer. Blew out my knee the summer so was on the ground for bow and never had a good shot.
  12. Been a long season for me as well. Haven't seen any bucks this gun season and no doe permit this year. Hope Muzzleloader will change something. maybe take a doe is a see one over 90 lbs.
  13. Nice fish. at least the wind finally died down.
  14. tried last week we got a couple but was pretty slow. Only caught fish on tubes going real slow.
  15. I just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I blew out my knee in July and wasn't able to get into the woods until last week. I have all next week off so going to try and get up in the stand as much as i can. This thread has kept me going. Thanks again,
  16. That is a great idea about the sign. Someone may have it but not on this site.
  17. Sounds a lot like Ontario. http://www.freep.com/story/travel/michigan/2016/05/26/whats-future-great-lakes-salmon/84865094/
  18. I heard they are going in today. I have not checked yet.
  19. Glad you made it back. When we saw the boat from the fire station launch i was worried that someone capsized. Hopefully the solo guy got our of the weather. It was crazy for sure.
  20. Weather was suppose to pick up at 11. They did not call for hail, sleet and possible death however. I have seen some crazy weather and have gone out when it was iffy but i have never see it turn so quick and so violent. Had we been any further East i would have put the boat in ship builders creek. Had to do that when i was young out with my father and got caught in a quick storm but we were in a smaller boat at the time.
  21. I have always respected the lake especially in the spring with the cold water. That is why I stayed close to the bay and didn't go any further East. Sure does remind you what can happen in a 60 seconds out there.
  22. Did you fish through that front that came in? I know it only lasted about a hour but it sure was scary out there.
  23. Launched at 6:15. Wind was south at 10. Lake was nice and calm. ran down to the first cove and started the day with a cookie cutter brown. Had a couple short strikes and then took two more in front of the silos. Swung out deeper and lost a nice one at the boat. Weather started to role in and we started to make our way back towards the bay. about 9 we had a release with nothing home and the rain started to pick up. I asked my buddy what he thought and his response was Breakfast. Before he could get that rod in the wind switched to the West at 40, hail was coming in sideways. The 6 inch chop became 4 foot waves. That was the quickest and worst weather i have seen in 40 years of fishing the lake. I have a 16ft Lund with a Deep V and we were taking about every other wave over the bow. the normal 5 minute run back to the bay took 20. i have never been so happy to get the boat on the trailer. When we were leaving the fire department was putting a boat in a the marine across the channel. There was still one boat on the water. A boat passed us early running down to the East. I hope he made it back OK. it was a crazy morning for sure. By the time we were done with breakfast is was sunny out and the wind looked like it dropped down to 15. My clothes are still drying out.
  24. Careful using the far East Launch. The curb is way out of whack. If you go straight back you will hit it in the water. Use the center of West launch till they get that one straightened out.
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