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  1. 12 for 17 last Saturday out of Sandy. Top 60 over 240. 10 Kings, 1 Atlantic, 1 Coho. Most action was on 5,7,10 Lead-core, some rigger hits with slide cheater taking the hits. All spoons, best UV Carbon14 and UV Can't Afford It Stingrays. Chinook divers only took one hit.
  2. Spec. Sheet says final depth should be 9.5 ft from where the lake level is now. I fished last Friday. The barge has not moved since noon last Thursday
  3. I know I'm the one that sent 25 to your PayPal Waiting for the item
  4. One Coho 70 down on a rigger over 80. One knock off & one lost steelie about 6 lbs on a slide cheater. Some how broke off and cost a couple new spoons and terminal tackle. Screen was loaded with fish at 20-70ft with lots of small bait pods near bottom. Fished 6:30-8:45 PM 70-90ft. Screen was blank out past 100 ft. I think the fish were full. Six rod setup with 5&10 color lead-core, 2 chinook divers and 2 down riggers with cheaters. Running all spoons.
  5. Went last night. Main channel by the launch 6.5 ft. Out near the mouth between the marker 3 ft.
  6. Would you split them up? I would take 2 or 4 of the 10"
  7. Fished Sandy 5:30-8:15 PM Thurs.night without a release, with 4 rods. I was surprised, water temp 46.9 creek temperature 50. Water was muddy out to 20 ft with the temperature out there 44.9. I guess there was nothing to concentrate the fish. Bummer!
  8. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):4/14 Time on Water: 3 Hrs Weather/Temp: Air 45-59 Wind Speed/Direction:5-10 MPH N/NE Waves: 0-2 Ft Surface Temp: 48-50 Location:Outside Mouth Of Sandy LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 8 Total Boated:6 Species Breakdown: 5 browns, 1 Coho Hot Lure: Blue/Silver, Black/Silver Smithwick Rogues Trolling Speed: 1.5-2 MPH Down Speed: Boat Depth: 4-6 Ft Lure Depth: 1-3 Ft ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== With weekend work and poor weather forecast decided to wander out at 5:00 PM. Hugged the shoreline with great water color and temp (48-50) Water was as warm in the lake as in the creek? Poked around, seemed like forever before the first release. Conditions looked great compared to Saturday's gin clear 35-40 degree water. Finally landed second release. Fine looking 8 lb male brown. The fishes color looked like he had been hanging around in the creek. Found one pod of fish ending with a double Brown/ Coho just as the sun disappeared below the horizon. Never went deeper than 7 ft. Waves were building to 2 ft as we pulled the line at 8:15 PM
  9. I was out Friday for my shakedown 3 for 5 on browns with the largest 8 1/2 lbs. Spent 2 1/2 hours putting around the mouth, like you fishing the creek effluent. The lake outside the creek plume was a clear frigid 39 degrees.
  10. A little confused Freeman77. You were on Schoolmasters boat last night but normally on your boat is the happy hooker, and the PennYan is the boat Ontario? I wish I could make it out tonight but not to be. Probably Saturday. Thinking of taking Friday off and targeting some pig smallmouths on jigs at Hemlock lake. The only real benefit of a small boat, unless you include the fuel cost of course.
  11. I didn't put the radio in the boat last night. I will next time I'm out. I have just starting fishing again for the summer kings after a several year absence. I use to run a 21 ft PennYann cuddy but sold it several tears ago. I told my buddy how fun the salmon fishing can be and he got all excited so it looks like I will be spending more time on the lake. I had pretty much limited myself to the near shore early spring brown fishing and thr late summer Salmon due to my boat size. I look forward to at least kniowing a few boats out of sandy. I use to have my PennYan moored on Sandy. All the new techniques with slider, wire , spin doctors are a little new to me. We were just stacking the old school NK's on the riggers.
  12. Are you the two tone PennYan I see out all the time? I was there last night in the small 16 1/2 ft Aluminum. We were not as succesful as you. One cut bait size king as you put it.
  13. Nice boat. I saw you guys wave. Were you successful? We saw one other fish on while we were out. That was on the two tone brown PennYan. He seems to be out whenever we are. It was somewhat disappointing fish wise.
  14. Fished Sandy from the mouth to the pump station in 95-125 ft range from 5-8:30 PM with one lonely 4 Lb king to show for it. Waves really picked up from the east as the night went on. Saw one other fish on in the small group of five boats fishing the same area. I was excited after seeing some of the reports from the weekend and last night. The only fish came on a NK28 in a pink and chartreuse pattern 45 down over 115. I guess I chose the wrong evening. Better than a skunk!
  15. I think I saw you there. You were in the Green Trophy with the Rottweiler looking pooch on the front deck. I got a pretty good photo of your boat and the dog on my 35mm. I fouod the same thing. The conditions looked optimum yet we took one small brown and another knock in three hours. 5-10 ft water with normal stick baits on Planers.
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