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Everything posted by baytech05

  1. Hye guys, I am really itching the get up this year and I am thiking about tomorrow and saturday but the wind forecast for saturday has be second guessing myself. NOAA is calling for 15-25 out of the southeast then shifting to the west. I only have a 17 footer but would I think I would be able to fish the morning as long as i stay tight to shore. Any thoughts? Baytech
  2. Went 6 for 6 on browns today east of the harbor in 5 to 15 foot of water an all spoon bite.
  3. Thanks for the info guys.
  4. Hey Everybody, I am looking for some sites to buy soon tape in rolls. I found a couple internet sites from searches but wanted to know if you guyys had any sites. Baytech
  5. 30 here, but only 6 years fishing the lake to date.
  6. Yeah I am sure it didn't happen at home as I keep the boat locked in a garage and nothing else in there was missing. I am a little lucky they didn't take any of the riggers or rod holders, just non-fishing items. lesson learned, nothing stays in the boat from now on. baytech
  7. Hey everybody, Just a heads up. Last Saturday on our way home we stopped in Fulton to eat at Mimi’s restaurant like we always do and park around back by their storage units around 6:30PM. While inside for 45 minutes somebody broke into my boat and stole both of my batteries, all my dock lines, gas tank, tool box and first aid kit. The kicker is none of us noticed anything after getting in so late that night. Then when I went to get the boat ready for this weekend’s trip on Thursday I noticed everything was gone. It really put a downer on the weekend trip. Anyway, just wanted to vent and make everybody aware to keep an eye on your things. Nothing against Mimi’s it's a great restaurant and we will continue to go there. At least this weekend was decent fishing and weather. Baytech
  8. Thanks guys, I really don't have much of any room left in the boat for a larger antenna. I have the current one mounted up in the bow and lay it down along port side when not in use, anything bigger wouldn't fit. I will try to hook up my buddies that is the same model this weekend and see what what I can figure out. Bob, I don't have any excess wire. Do you think this could be a problem? I have both my antenna and power lines running in the same conduit up to the front battery. I have had it this way since I first installed it and haven't had a problem until the pins got bent on the first radio. I have the radio mounted on the starboard side, all of my switches are there as well, bilge, livewell, lights, etc, but my fish finder is on the port side opposite the radio. Once again i don't think it's an interferance problem because it worked prior to this. Thanks again guys, Baytech
  9. Hey guys, I am looking for some insight and hope maybe some of you can give me some direction. I put a Uniden Oceanus DSC VHF Radio on my open bow 16.5 footer about a year ago and had to replace it due to a broken pin connection in the power cord. I only have a 36" antenna but when I have never had a problem talking with guys a few miles away before I replaced the unit. Since I relplaced the radio (with the same model) I placed a male/female connection in the power line to avoid the pin problem and have since had problems with it. All my transmisstions are choppy unless very close (within a couple hundred yards) of the other boat. I also have trouble recieving the weather broadcast as it also comes across choppy if at all. I think the antenna connection might be screwed up, maybe the soddering is comming undone. Before I started to tear stuff apart I thought I would see if anybody had any suggestions. Baytech
  10. Hi Mitch, I will also be up Friday AM for the first time this year. Give me a call on the radio if you have one and I will let you know how things are going. I will probably be east of the breakwalls. I am in a 16.5 alumacraft. I am usually on Channel 68 (ask for orangeman) but monitor others as well.
  11. Thanks guys, I will take a look at all these sites. Baytech
  12. Can anybody recomend a good go-to site for rolls of tape. I just got a bunch of older spoons that I want to brush them up for the next couple weeks. Thanks, Baytech (orangeman)
  13. We did end up making the trip although the fishing wasn't that great we went 0-2 out in front of the big river. Maybe we can get back up this weekend. Baytech
  14. Thanks for responding guys, The Black River was my back up but I haven't heard that there is much of anything in there as of yet. I also haven't heard about much of being the Oswego River yet either so I am really leaning toward scraping the trip. I will check the weather tomorrow in the early am and make my decision. Thanks again for all your input. Baytech
  15. I am thinking of coming up Friday and Saturday to fish the lake but the wind forecast for Friday has me concerned. I am only in a 16.5 footer and will be fishing out of Oswego, Mexico, or the Salmon River (still undecided). As of 9am this morning NOAA is calling for SOUTH WINDS 10 TO 20 KNOTS. WAVES 2 TO 4 FEET SUBSIDING TO 1 TO 3 FEET. If I am out in 60 to 100ft are the waves really going to build that quickly with the wind coming off the shore? I know my limitations when the wind is east, west, north or anything in-between but I can’t judge it out of the south. Your thoughts? Baytech
  16. We have been fishing for salmon with light tackle for the past 5 years or so and have not had a problem yet. We usually only run two rods, three at the most so bringing gear in and turning the boat is not an issue either. We are just out there to relax and have fun, not we the derby (we don't even enter) If we happen to loose a lure or two during the year that is fine by us. I was just curious if we could run some differnet setups to try and get another fish or two in the boat. Thanks again for all the insight guys, Baytech
  17. thanks for the insight slimy i wil give it a try since I got a couple of flasher for free. Rustyrat, I am only running a small rig 16.5ft and enjoy the light line and rods for the fight. We bring in all the rods, stop the boat and hold on for dear life. I was just curious if I could run a fly by it'self or with a dodger or flasher and still use the light line. Thanks again guys, baytech
  18. Hey guys, It is possible or worth it to run just a fly off a downrigger without a flasher or dodger for salmon? I am running light line, 15lb test on meadium to heavy action rods so I would be a little worried about adding the extra resistance of a flasher or dodger to this light gear. I usually run spoons and j-plugs in the fall but was thinking about giving flys a try since I hear a lot about them. Your thoughts? Baytech
  19. Thanks guys, I will look into all the suggestions. I know the super 8 was booked up but I will have to check the others. I will be up toward the henderson last weekend in september and got a room at the seaway trails but I still need rooms for the first three weekends in september. Thanks again for all the help that is what makes this board so great. Baytech
  20. Hey everybody, Well it looks like I may have waited a bit to long to make my hotel reservations for september as everything is booked up. They keep telling me it has something to due with work going on at the powerplant. I have treid my three goto's from Oswego to Pulaski with no luck (Blackwalnut, Mays Country Store, and the Evergreen). I did try to call the Scottish Inns in Oswego but didn't get an answer. Can anybody give me a couple more leads on places to stay inbetween Osego and Pulaski? Thanks for any leads... Baytech
  21. Fish Magent, I ended up staying at hotel owned by Mays Country Store and don't have any complaints. I will be staying there from now on and I would recommend it. 1-315-207-0010 Fishfinder, I am probably not the best person to answer the weather conditons question. That being said I know there was a good topic on wind direction in the open discussion forum a little while back that had a lot of info in it. As far as the rain I don't think the it plays nearly as big of a factor as the wind does. Maybe some other guys can chim in on the rain factor. Baytech
  22. Friday we fished from 11am to 8pm and Saturday we fished from 6am to 1pm. I have a small boat 16.5ft so I can get extremly close to shore (3ft) using light spoons that don't hang up. Most fish came in 4 to 8ft of water. Where are you coming from FF?
  23. Friday was a better day for us as we went 13 for 13 on browns with the biggest about 6-7 lbs. All east of the harbor in 4 to 12 ft of water. fish came on black and silver, and blue and silver spoons. Saturday the fish won't cooperate we went 6 for 6 running the same gear. baytech
  24. Thanks Fish magnet, I found the number for the evergreen and will give that a shot. Baytech
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